Origins of COVID-19- Interview with Jonathan Latha

Jun 19, 2020
Jonathan Latham, Ph.D., is a molecular biologist and a virologist, which is a great skillset to help us understand the origins of SARS-CoV-2. Latham reviews some really intriguing evidence in this interview. He’s also the editor of Independent Science News. • The mainstream media are still protecting the narrative that SARS-CoV-2 is a zoonotically transmitted virus originating in bats. Much of the evidence for this comes from Shi Zhengli, the chief Chinese researcher studying bat coronaviruses • While SARS-CoV-2 likely came from a bat, overwhelming evidence suggests it did not become infectious to humans through natural evolution • A recent article by Independent Science News editor Jonathan Latham presents several different lab origin hypotheses • Latham also exposes the fact that the Wuhan Institute of Virology failed to identify that a seven-year-old virus sample they have is the closest known precursor to SARS-CoV-2 • Many who defend the all-natural zoonotic origin story justify their stance by saying there are no signs of genetic manipulation. However, there are several ways to manipulate a virus without leaving telltale markers • This closest-known relative was already in the genetic database under the name BtCoV/4991. However, when it was resequenced following the COVID-19 outbreak, they simply renamed that old virus, which has been on ice for seven years. Whether additional genetic manipulation was done to 4991 to create SARS-CoV-2 is unclear Read the full article:…

2 thoughts on “Origins of COVID-19- Interview with Jonathan Latha

  1. Does Mercola really believe these people making vaccines are trying to help? His rose colored glass must be very rosy!

    1. Their “credentials” give them a false sense of superior intellect and are blinded by their own egos when they are cheered and lauded by their puppet masters. They could never be wrong, or at least admit it, and they can never go against the pay master. Academia is cancer as it’s not based on science but power and control through misinformation and propaganda. Let them think it’s all “learned” on their own and they’re true believers. Sadly, the foundation of all they “learned” was built by and for the kike bastards to control US.

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