7 thoughts on “Orlando Shooting Dropping wounded when they think they are not being filmed any longer

  1. Everyone involved, crisis actors included, are guilty of sedition and treason and deserve death. Just how F’N stupid do they think we are?

    But, make some noise about your opinion publically, and your on their “watch list”. Proud to be an American? Got a flag displayed? Well, your on the “watch list”.

    Own a registered gun, your on the list. Got skills cause your a veteran, your on the list. Public statements against perverts, your on the list. Appalled by cross dressers, your on the list. Strong faith in God, your on the list.

    Believe it or not, they have a dossier on you stored in Utah. If your name pops up on their radar, voila, your whole life file is scrutinized down to lunch money account in grade school and what color blanket you slept on in kindergarden.

    1. Yep, said like a true in the knower!

      Also, great post tc. This is getting more ridiculous as the days pass.

      We’re on to their shenanigans and nothing at this point has or will get past us.

      Thank God for the Internet sleuths.

  2. Wow! That guy doesn’t seem scared at all at the end. He just stops his panic acting and looks like he just finished lifting some weights at the gay gym and asking himself, “Ok. What do we do next? Do we go again?”

    1. Gay Director: “Daaammiiiiiiiiiiit! When I say action your supposed to keep going! Did any of you girls here me say cut? I never said cut dammiiiiiiit! Why aren’t you listening to me?! Fabulous! Just fabulous! Oh well……that’s lunch everybody.”

  3. One commentor who posted on this youtube video made a good point. How come the police aren’t playing the phone tapes of this guy’s 911 call and saying his ISIS rant? We’re supposed to just take their word for it? HA! Everyone commenting on this youtube video is saying it is nothing but a hoax and don’t believe for a second that it’s real and that it was conveniently timed for this gun grab vote that’s coming up and question why the government keeps saying give up their guns instead of buying more ammo to protect themselves from these fake shooters who supposedly keep terrorizing people everywhere.

    People are waking up. Still many that are stupid but like Henry says, our numbers are growing.

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