Pelosi Announces She Is Running For Congress Again: ‘My Work Is Not Finished’

Nancy-Pelois-denied-CommunionPat Dollard

Excerpted from Ballot Box: Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is running for another term in Congress.

The Democratic leader’s future, a perennial topic of discussion in Washington, came into question once again Thursday with news that Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), one of her closest confidants, will retire at the end of the year.  

Those close to Pelosi insist she wouldn’t follow suit, citing her rampant pace on the fundraising trail that’s led to a record haul for the Democrats this Congress.

The announcement of Waxman’s exit came just weeks after Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), another close ally to the House minority leader, announced his retirement plans.

With some of her top lieutenants on their way out, it’s fueled speculation the former Speaker is also headed for the exits. But that’s a notion Pelosi is trying to nip in the bud.

“I’m running. I’ve already started the paperwork process,” she said Thursday in an email. “My work is not finished.” Keep reading

3 thoughts on “Pelosi Announces She Is Running For Congress Again: ‘My Work Is Not Finished’

  1. She has no idea what the word work means. Shouldn’t be aloud to speak it. Sad thing is she will probably be reelected again.

  2. To this swine, hard work is having to use the stairs instead of an elevator. Why the people in her district keep sending her insane behind to congress shall forever remain a mystery.

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