People are programmed to hate change

Bison Prepper

Divide and conquer, from the same twats who tested airborne contagions on random subway riders, treated humans on par with herds of sheep in nuclear fallout tests, are magically able to collapse skyscrapers with a few random drops of burning kerosene and were never in any danger of lynch mobs after they passed laws for indefinite detention without charges, was wonderful for destroying the culture to the point no insurgency will ever have a change of succeeding here until people actually start starving ( so, you know, don’t try to rebel and expect any civilian support-not until the humpers are hungry ). 

Yeah, just a quick side note on that. People are programmed to hate change. They will almost always stick with the devil they know. After all, your wonderful rebellion to return to limited government also means folks won’t have the welfare safety net, nor will they get subsidized gasoline or have a job anymore once you killed all the corporate welfare. Just saying, for the Militia Porn Star wanna-be’s out there. People are selfish like that, risking their life for your political fantasies.

Divide And Conquer, reducing rebellion risk for the last fifty years as people were enslaved and asset stripped. Yes, Spanky, you get below cost gasoline. Good on you. The rest of this deal, where the empire subjugates and exploits its own subjects, is not so great for you. And the reason it happened has nothing to do with capitalism or communism. It has to do with the Imperial Yankee Scum colonizing anyone they possible could, from Southern “citizens” turned sharecroppers to supply the northern factories at near no cost agricultural commodities, to little brown people in the Philippians, to all former British subjects.

Less resources means less per person. Why else is inequality so pronounced ( even as the worker drone class hollers for even more under the mistaken notion of “capitalism” )? The elite aren’t going to give up any hookers and blow. The 9% straw boss class IS getting a lot less and don’t even realize it ( after the increases in rent, vehicles and insurance, they are worse off than the old middle class. All the newly poor insisting they are still middle class are one paycheck away from homelessness, and the straw bosses think they are doing good for being the biggest turd in the litter box ).

And, again, to repeat in case you nodded off after I repeated myself too many times getting up to this point, THAT was all Peak Oil. That was just more of the same of the shrinking EROI. That isn’t even running out of oil, just more resources being diverted from jobs or the military or medical care back into oil and energy extraction. While you were all cheering the Fracking industry, you seemed to have stopped noticing that when fracking delivers a 1 to 5 EROI, it means that six times more energy is diverted to getting energy out of the ground than it did just three decades ago.

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