Pic and videos of my local Walmart in Mckinney, TX

Hey all, this is what the toilet paper and bread aisle at my local Walmart looked like the other day. The egg, cheese, milk, meat and frozen food aisles and medicine looked pretty much the same.

I even noticed this strange looking robot thing that I’ve never seen before. Had the name Robi on it. Not sure if it was a cleaning robot or some spy robot. Wasn’t sure if it was going to lash out and taze me if I looked at it the wrong way. lol



15 thoughts on “Pic and videos of my local Walmart in Mckinney, TX

  1. The TP aisle at the WM here is completely empty, as the disinfectant aisle is too.
    The local HEB is rationing water and TP, and the eggs were gone, and the meat dept. very depleted.

    1. Talked to a lady we know in Eugene yesterday. She said her friend worked at a store and that they took all the toilet paper off the shelves and put it in the storage room because it came from China and might be contaminated.
      People are pathetic.
      With our huge influx of California morons here where I live, they too have emptied the shelves.
      This doesn’t concern me except to the point of the unlawful executive orders given by Obama saying that if people start hoarding during an emergency, they can come to your house and take your supplies from you. That is saying all we who have built a supply over the years and can find alternative ways to wipe our ass would be robbed of our prep.
      When they try it they need to be greeted with a hail of gunfire.
      Was listening to Gov. Cuomo on the stupid box saying he had ordered this and he had ordered that. Tell you what you criminal jew corporate piece of shit, you have no authority to order anything. We the American nationals on the other hand have full authority to enforce our law if you attempt to steal our property.
      If everybody would have just simply ignored this false flag and just went about their daily business, we wouldn’t even have known that corona was anything but a beer.
      This is a straight up challenge to the people’s authority under the only ratified law in this land vs the corporate mafia and their assumed authority under their fraudulent constitution, which is actually an unlawful corporation being run by criminals.
      So come on out, you sons of bitches and see how many American nationals are afraid of anything you say or do. Go ahead and do what you want with the Californians, as they are worthless to themselves and everyone around them and like being subjugated and told when they can wipe their ass, but when you come to the American nationals which I see all around me doing what they do every day without consideration to the psyop, I think you f-king spineless dupes are in for a rude awakening.

      1. “This is a straight up challenge to the people’s authority under the only ratified law in this land vs the corporate mafia and their assumed authority under their fraudulent constitution, which is actually an unlawful corporation being run by criminals.”
        Henry, this is the ONLY way I’m looking at this circus. It’s the only thing that matters when all is boiled down. Do they have the authority to do anything that conflicts with the ratified law; NO!
        It’s no different than 9/11 and all the policies they set in place after that event. This is another opportunity for them to try and slip in more tyranny.

      2. Got any mountain lions or bears in your neighborhood, Henry? You gonna need ’em! 😉

        And speaking of California morons….Texas is getting filled up with ’em! It’s as if Commiefornia’s gov. ordered ’em to Texas to “make Texas a blue state” again or some other piece of nonsense…as if it really matter what color Texas is (as long as most Texans are armed to the teeth, mountain lions included!)

        1. A hundred yards from my house you will find the lion tracks. A couple years back while camping on the other side of the lake, I got about close enough to a black bear to shake his hand. And believe it or not, yesterday I saw a wolf run across the road in front of me out on the Williamson River Highway. I know another fella who saw a pack of them over where I saw the bear.
          Yeah, these are real mountains here. I never walk the woods without a big gun. Soon the Californians will get thick enough so maybe all the critters will get fat. 🙂

  2. Wow, those are horrible images. What 3rd world socialist utopia is that? WHAAAT??? The US? You don’t say!

  3. That is the reason for Walmart cutting their store hours… which should tell you it is only going to get worse before it gets worse

  4. I think I figured out why they put Robi the kneecap shooting robot in that aisle.

    He’s protecting the juice.

  5. Also, this past Sat. we saw what looks to be the same robot, floor sweeper, then wash, and dry, going up and down the aisles. I asked an associate and they said they’ve had it for about 3 weeks now.

        1. That’s the Austin,TX model you’re thinking of, Mark. Similar to the San Francisco model that has a backdoor built into it if you need to hack it or download.

          1. You know Martist, they have one hell of a dilemma on their hands now, they have this tin can roaming around on isle 69 collecting algorithms, just a matter of time before it picks up on
            the upskirt thing.

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