#PIZZAGATE: Ben Swann Silenced After Asking About Podesta’s Relationship With Dennis Hasert

Published on Jan 30, 2017 by Hard Bastard

It looks like we have found out what happens when a main stream media outlet does a real story about #Pizzagate. CBS reporter Ben Swann was taken off the air and it seems is allowed back if he shuts down all his social media including his website “Truth In Media”.

Sources: https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnew…


Intro graphic by Devil’s Advocate: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeL5…

4 thoughts on “#PIZZAGATE: Ben Swann Silenced After Asking About Podesta’s Relationship With Dennis Hasert

  1. Ben Swann is a fool to have gone to the major zio owned and operated news media. Was it the money that lured you in Ben. As informed as you are Ben, you should know that the zio’s control all aspects of media.
    You will be controlled and told what you can and can’t do now that you’ve left independent news coverage. I like you Ben, but now you are suspect.

      1. First time I’d heard of him working for this news media. I used to like him, but know that he’ll be compromised and not a free agent reporter he’s not worth listening to, imo.

        You were definitely on top of the Swann scoop, #1.

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