PM Netanyahu’s Remarks Upon Departing for the United States


(Communicated by the Prime minister’s Media Adviser)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Tuesday, 20 September 2016), made
the following remarks upon departing for the United States:

“We are in the midst of a very important diplomatic week for the State of
Israel. I am leaving now for the United States. There I will first meet with
President Obama and I will thank him for the great and important security
assistance to the State of Israel over the coming decade.   

I will then address the United Nations General Assembly. I will present
Israel’s case, Israel’s truth, Israel’s justice and also Israel’s heroism –
the heroism of our soldiers, our police officers and our citizens, who are
waging an uncompromising struggle against brutal terrorism.

I expect from the international community a uniform standard in the war on
terrorism. Today the entire international community says that there is a
need to wage a determined and uncompromising fight against terrorism. And
indeed, they must also support the determined and uncompromising fight
against terrorism, and this moral clarity is necessary to both fight
against – and defeat – terrorism.”

6 thoughts on “PM Netanyahu’s Remarks Upon Departing for the United States

  1. Hey Bennie, don’t forget your acme drawing!

    This guy truly lives in his own liittle world. Once again, cuckoo is an understatement. This guy’s a MAROON!

  2. “I expect from the international community a uniform standard in the war on
    terrorism. Today the entire international community says that there is a
    need to wage a determined and uncompromising fight against terrorism. And
    indeed, they must also support the determined and uncompromising fight
    against terrorism, and this moral clarity is necessary to both fight
    against – and defeat – terrorism.”

    Totally unchallenged.

    Unfortunately, that would require the ‘Glass Ashtray Option’ (as opposed to the ‘Samson Option’), and a lot of innocent Palestinians would also be killed in the process.

  3. I bet you money. When he come to the US something happen in Israel and he has to rush back. He does it like clock work.

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