Police Chief Asks City Residents to Allow their Homes to be Searched for Guns

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

Beloit, Wisconsin, police chief Norm Jacobs is asking city residents to volunteer to allow police to search their homes for guns.

Jacobs believes this will put the problems associated with “gun violence” front and center in residents’ minds.

According to Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR), Jacobs asked for volunteers because that’s how he has seen healthcare providers handle viral outbreaks. WPR quoted Jacobs saying: “Gun violence is as serious as the Ebola virus is represented in the media, and we should fight it using the tools that we’ve learned from our health providers.”  

Jacobs also contends that education would end gun violence. He cites the fact that four of the seven victims of homicides in Beloit in 2014 “were teenagers or young men in their 20s.” He adds, “pretty much all those kids and young men need is just to be educated.”

Jacobs said he’s seen “25-year-old men” who can “barely read on a fifth grade level… but they know how to work a gun.”

He hopes city residents will volunteer to have police come and go room-to-room, drawer-to-drawer, closet-to-closet, to search for guns and raise awareness of the seriousness of “gun violence.”

Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com.


13 thoughts on “Police Chief Asks City Residents to Allow their Homes to be Searched for Guns

  1. Does anyone have background info on Norm Jacobs.
    It might help ue determine the when and why he lost his f**king mind.
    Planet Earth to Norm? Planet Earth to Norm?

  2. I would like to ask Norm Jacobs to volunteer to put his neck in this here noose. I have seen that during outbreaks of criminal and tolitarian rulers that hanging POSs is how it is handled.

  3. “WPR quoted Jacobs saying: “Gun violence is as serious as the Ebola virus is represented in the media,…”

    Now that’s a bizarre statement. Represented in the media? As if to imply that it’s not a real outbreak, but merely a portrayal of an outbreak? Interesting…

    “Jacobs also contends that education would end gun violence.”

    So the reason they hire 3rd grade dropouts as cops would be… ?

  4. And I’m sure any normal person will just put their guns on display for them as they come in. 🙄

    What the hell is this guy thinking? That we would hide our guns in plain sight to be handed over to him?


    He’s not only committing an act of treason, but he’s also completely insane.

  5. “Room to room, drawer to drawer, closet to closet”. Oh yes, come in and rifle through my belongings Mr. Law Enforcement. I’ve set out some cookies and milk for you that you can enjoy while you dump all my belongings on the floor! Did you bring your latex gloves for that “all important” inspection?

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