Police officer attacks, repeatedly punches unarmed concert goer

Published on Jan 20, 2015 by RT America

South Carolina police officer Tyrone Pugh is now suspended from duty for brutally assaulting an unarmed man on the ground outside of a concert. Witnesses claim the officer grabbed the victim, threw him to the ground and then began repeatedly punching the man, who was ultimately never arrested or charged with a crime. RT’s Manila Chan has the video.

5 thoughts on “Police officer attacks, repeatedly punches unarmed concert goer

  1. Another example of ‘roid rage. Psychos like this should be permanently disbarred form ever working in law enforcement again.

  2. If you ever see this…

    Run up and while lifting your knee, drop your knee THROUGH the side of the assaulter’s face.

    A flying knee to the side of the head/face is like getting punched by a dump truck. It is a good idea to follow through -with a hard object like a pipe or crowbar or elbow- and strike the back of their head also. THEN… run away… run away!

    In the event there are 2 or more, get a friend to help.

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