7 thoughts on “Police position DUI checkpoints in unsuspecting areas

  1. Don’t drink and drive and take a chance on killing some innocent person. I don’t drink alcohol and I don’t care if people do, just don’t do it on the road.

    1. What does any of what you say have to do with an illegal/unconstitutional traffic stop/which impedes our free right to travel unfettered???
      drinking or not, it is unlawful for leo’s to set up checkpoints. seig heil, why dont you just move to east germany if you like check points so much?
      in order for checkpoints to be legal, they must be marked as such on the public road, and a public notice put up before the time constraints of the checkpoint. they MUST give you the option NOT to stop at the checkpoint for it to be legal.

      1. It has nothing to do with illegal/unconstitutional traffic stop/which impedes our free right to travel unfettered.

  2. Note that it was financed by the federal government. These checkpoints serve the same purpose as their manufactured terrorists, which is the further encroachment of our rights.

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