Politicians Promote Murder, Mayhem, & Terror to Propagandize Political Agendas & Consolidate Power

The Burning Platform – by Doug Uncola

In his 1991 book, “Behold a Pale Horse”, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member William Cooper warned of a secret initiative by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.  In this sinister plan, described by Cooper near three decades ago, a project called “Orion” was revealed whereby drugs and hypnosis were to be used on mental patients coerced into shooting children in schools. The plan was to inflame the anti-gun lobby and cause middle class Americans to beg their government “protectors” into obliterating the 2nd Amendment. 

The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of military firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment.

– Cooper, Milton William. (1991). “Behold a Pale Horse”, Light Technology Publications, page 225

On June 28, 2001 William Cooper told of Osama Bin Laden’s connections to U.S. intelligence and even predicted 911.  Eight weeks after the Twin Towers fell in New York City Cooper was shot and killed at his home in Eagar, Arizona while resisting arrest.

On July 18, 2019 in an article entitled America’s Well-Documented Decline Amid Wars in the Air, this blogger wrote the following:

… just as the internet began to go viral some buildings fell in New York City and the next thing we knew, we were getting fondled by blue smurfs at airports and our personal communications surveilled around the clock.

All of that progression, as if by voting, manifested as a result of implied consent.

Next, they’re coming for the guns and we’ll all watch it on television like a cinematic plot unfolding.

Read the rest here: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2019/08/06/politicians-promote-murder-mayhem-terror-to-propagandize-political-agendas-consolidate-power/

One thought on “Politicians Promote Murder, Mayhem, & Terror to Propagandize Political Agendas & Consolidate Power

  1. ‘All of that progression, as if by voting, manifested as a result of implied consent.’

    do not vote
    do not consent

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