Wake Up Call News [SATIRE]
For the last six months, Catholic cardinals, bishops and theologians have been deliberating in Vatican City, discussing the future of the church and redefining long-held Catholic doctrines and dogmas. The Third Vatican Council, is undoubtedly the largest and most important since the Second Vatican Council was concluded in 1962. Pope Francis convened the new council to “finally finish the work of the Second Vatican Council.” While some traditionalists and conservative reactionaries on the far right have decried these efforts, they have delighted progressives around the world.
The Third Vatican Council concluded today with Pope Francis announcing that Catholicism is now a “modern and reasonable religion, which has undergone evolutionary changes. The time has come to abandon all intolerance. We must recognize that religious truth evolves and changes. Truth is not absolute or set in stone. Even atheists acknowledge the divine. Through acts of love and charity the atheist acknowledges God as well, and redeems his own soul, becoming an active participant in the redemption of humanity.”
“Through humility, soul searching, and prayerful contemplation we have gained a new understanding of certain dogmas. The church no longer believes in a literal hell where people suffer. This doctrine is incompatible with the infinite love of God. God is not a judge but a friend and a lover of humanity.God seeks not to condemn but only to embrace. Like the fable of Adam and Eve, we see hell as a literary device. Hell is merely a metaphor for the isolated soul, which like all souls ultimately will be united in love with God” Pope Francis declared.
In a speech that shocked many, the Pope claimed “All religions are true, because they are true in the hearts of all those who believe in them. What other kind of truth is there? In the past, the church has been harsh on those it deemed morally wrong or sinful. Today, we no longer judge. Like a loving father, we never condemn our children. Our church is big enough for heterosexuals and homosexuals, for the pro-life and the pro-choice! For conservatives and liberals, even communists are welcome and have joined us. We all love and worship the same God.”
One statement in the Pope’s speech has sent traditionalists into a fit of confusion and hysteria. “God is changing and evolving as we are, For God lives in us and in our hearts. When we spread love and kindness in the world, we touch our own divinity and recognize it. The Bible is a beautiful holy book, but like all great and ancient works, some passages are outdated. Some even call for intolerance or judgement. The time has come to see these verses as later interpolations, contrary to the message of love and truth, which otherwise radiates through scripture. In accordance with our new understanding, we will begin to ordain women as cardinals, bishops and priests. In the future, it is my hope that we will have a woman pope one day. Let no door be closed to women that is open to men!”
In addition to the Pope’s sweeping calls for tolerance and a new progressive understanding of Catholicism, he condemned racism, raising his voice and pounding the podium in front of him. Pope Francis spent over an hour castigating anti-immigrant politicians, parties and individuals. Wagging his finger sternly with righteous indignation, the Pope shouted “Racism today is the ultimate evil in the world. When Italians, Spanish or French turn back the boats of African migrants seeking a better life, are they not like the inn keeper who told Mary and Joseph that there was no room for them and the infant Christ? These migrants are children of God and we are commanded to love them!”
His voice loudly echoing through St. Peter’s basilica, the Pope stated “those who would dare to turn immigrants away, be they legal or undocumented, turn their backs on Christ himself! A racist is not a true Christian. A racist casts aside his humanity to become a beast, a demon! He is the embodiment and personification of evil, a Satan!”
To a chorus of thunderous applause, Pope Francis stated “because Muslims, Hindus and African Animists are also made in the very likeness and image of God, to hate them is to hate God! To reject them to is to reject God and the Gospel of Christ. Whether we worship at a church, a synagogue, a mosque or a mandir, it does not matter. Whether we call God, Jesus, Adonai, Allah or Krishna, we all worship the same God of love. This truth is self-evident to all who have love and humility in their hearts!”
In a announcement that shocked many people, Pope Francis warned that “those who seek to deny a home to the migrant, to the African and the Muslim, risk their membership in the church. We will consider excommunication for those whose souls willingly dwell in the darkness and evil of intolerance and racism. Satan himself is a metaphor or a personification, for the collective evils of mankind. Today, these evils manifest foremost as racism, intolerance, religious persecution and bigotries of all kinds.”
A couple of prominent Catholic cardinals have responded to Pope Francis’ declarations by leaving the church. Cardinal Arinze of Nigeria asked, “what do we stand for if we declare that truth is relative? On the contrary, truth exists independently of our personal feelings. All of this talk of love and tolerance is hollow if we have no identity of our own, if we stand for nothing. I charge that Francis has become a heretic, and that he is not a valid Pope. Indeed, Francis is no longer even a Catholic. The seat of Saint Peter is vacant. I am now a Sedevacantist. I should have become one long ago. The Vatican has embraced ecumenism in the past, but worse than that, it has now embraced moral relativism on abortion and homosexuality. At the same time it is embracing moral absolutism in favour of illegal immigration and cultural genocide against Europe.”

In his most controversial statement, Cardinal Arinze said “Islam has overrun my own country, and now it threatens to overrun Europe. Some parts of Nigeria now live under Islamic Sharia law. Catholics there are no longer free to practice their faith publicly. Francis is a fool if he thinks that his liberal immigration policy will end well. He has betrayed western civilization. Vatican City will one day become a giant mosque if things continue in Europe along their present course. Those in the West who ignore this truth, do so at their own peril.”
In an angry and vitriolic rant revealing deep self-hating tendencies, the African Cardinal Arinze stated “There is nothing wrong with Europeans who want to protect their borders. The problem is that there is not enough border control and the immigration policies are far too lenient in Europe. Is it racist to desire to preserve one’s own home? Why is it racist to want to preserve your own culture and a future for your people and your children? Have white people gone stupid today?”
This much is clear, the Catholic Church has made a decision to rejoin humanity and to reject intolerance and extremism. The church has lost a few narrow-minded bigots, with reports of some small parishes and a few cardinals and bishops defecting, but Pope Francis has gained the friendship of the world. Pope Francis deserves praise for taking a humane stand in defense of human rights and against bigotry.
Source: http://worldtruth.tv
“Like the fable of Adam and Eve”?? So you are saying the story of Adam and Eve is not real?
Who ordained this idiot? This guy preaches blasphemy upon blasphemy.
As I said before, this Satanic demon is trying to help the elite promote their “One World Religion”.
He is a Jesuit enough said read up on them.
True, Susan, but the Jesuits also answer to the Rothschild cartel.
“All religions are true, because they are true in the hearts of all those who believe in them. What other kind of truth is there?”
So once again, John 14:6, the 1st Commandment or Matthew 6:24 in which Jesus says, “No man can serve two masters” doesn’t ring a bell at all in that little head of yours and we are all supposed to just throw it all out the window?
Unflippinbelievable! Blasphemy upon blasphemy.
“Our church is big enough for heterosexuals and homosexuals, for the pro-life and the pro-choice! For conservatives and liberals, even communists are welcome and have joined us. We all love and worship the same God.””
So Leviticus 20:13 doesn’t mean a thing in regards to homosexuality?
He also said it’s dangerous to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
No, he said it was dangerous WITHOUT his Satanic ‘church’ being involved in the process:
“Pope Francis described as “dangerous” the temptation to believe that one can have “a personal, direct, immediate relationship with Jesus Christ without communion with and the mediation of the church.”
According to the prophecy of a certain ‘saint’ someone or other (can’t remember his name, but his predictions have been incredibly accurate), this is the last Poop.
That being the case, expect nothing less than his utmost efforts to lead all he can away from Christ.
Actually, when the Roman Catholic Church (and not all Catholics are Roman Catholics…some are Orthodox and some are Tridentine) created the so-called “sacrement” of “confession” to a priest under the vicarious file dei crapola INSTEAD of confessing sins to Christ directly as the Bible says, they already said clandestinely that the Church was more important was the organ of salvation INSTEAD of Christ. The Papacy did away with Christ years ago. It’s not rocket science or SDA mumbo-jumbo.
Vatican 2 unleashed in America every vile, filthy, disgusting, unholy thing that one can think of. It destroyed America and brought us to this current point.
The purpose of Vat 3 is to finish Vat 2. God help us………no one else can.
from the article:
“The Third Vatican Council, is undoubtedly the largest and most important since the Second Vatican Council was concluded in 1962. Pope Francis convened the new council to “finally finish the work of the Second Vatican Council.”
all religion are about control, and to control the way people think, to be spiritual is above religion and allows you the ability to think for yourself.
Amen-hotep to that…
When one person suffers from delusion, it is insanity. When many suffer, it is religion.
Christ, not religion…every true believer knows this.
There is so much wrong with the current popes theology, that Where does one begin ? First off, as a disclaimer, I am not Catholic, but the Bible does hold truths that spans beyond Denominational lines. And this current pope
has shown that he either has NO knowledge of Biblical theology, or he’s
proving that he’s an Apostate. Which ever the case may be, what he’s spouting off as Biblical truth is nothing more than heretical apostate views.
Which are to be expected in the closing days of the Age of Grace. As the
false prophet comes onto the worlds scene. Now I am not saying that this
individual is that person. But, clearly, he is paving the way for him.
For in the last days, the church will become an apostate church, aligning it’s self with global politics, and the anti-christ’s policies. Even with-in this article we hear of the positions being taken towards that…the progressive
version, (marxist), of politics and marxist Christianity. Which is real popular in the South American counties. The reader might remember, that obama’s pastor, rev. wright teaches this form of marxist replacement Christianity. So where does one begin, in answering all the errors which this heretic pope is spouting ?
Let’s start at the beginning, and take them one at a time.
“religious truth evolves and changes.”
No it doesn’t ! Truth is truth, solid and factual. One takes it or leaves it.
One can either accept it or twist it to fit there agenda. Biblical truth, and God, never changes. God is the same God today as He was at the beginning. And the same as He will be in the end. One of God’s titles is,
Alpha and Omega. Loosely translated, The Beginning and the End.
God never changes, and for us, that truly is a blessing. For if boundries keep changing, we’ll never know where our relationship is with God.
Revelation 1:8 (KJV)
8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
2 Timothy 4:3-4 (NKJV)
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
for the great apostasy is coming.
“Even as Paul was writing these words some false teaching had already seeped into the church, and the future was not too bright. This is a prediction of Scripture; Paul was prophesying that the false teaching was to spread. The day was coming when apostasy was to sweep throughout the church. The idea is that the apostasy would be great—many would follow after the false teaching and the whole church would be affected.”
Matthew 24:35 (NKJV)
35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.
John 17:17 (NKJV)
17 Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.
As I mentioned earlier, There is only one truth. One right answer.
A person can try to manipulate the answer, but is it the right answer?
Take common core, as an example, they try to fabricate Extra answers
in order to make people feel good about their choice for an answer.
Even if it’s wrong…..all the same, it’s still not the Right answer.
It’s just a sugar coated wrong answer, or lie.
Next on the list of the popes theological errors …..
“Through humility, soul searching, and prayerful contemplation we have gained a new understanding of certain dogmas. The church no longer believes in a literal hell where people suffer. This doctrine is incompatible with the infinite love of God. God is not a judge but a friend and a lover of humanity.”
Most first year theologians know the error of this theology going in.
First of all, God is the source of all true love. God created hell as a place
to put Satan and his hoard, not so much for people. But, those who’ll
reject Jesus Christ will be considered as the likes of those fallen angels.
God is a righteous God. Who dispenses righteous justice and judgement.
But, it won’t be God who places these folks in Hell. It’s the individual
them selves who do this. How is this possible ? One might be asking.
When an individual consciously rejects Real Truth, along with Jesus Christ.
who is Truth personified, they cast their selves into the lake of fire.
Remember, God cannot allow sin to be in His presence, nor bear to even
look upon it.
Matthew 25:41 (NKJV)
41 Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels:
Here, Our Lord is separating the sheep from the goats.
Matthew 10:28 (NKJV)
28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
If hell doesn’t exist, then why do we read here, of Our Lord speaking of it.
Here Christ is saying, Don’t fear the one who kills the body, but rather, fear the one who can kill / destroy the soul.
Again, we hear the pope willingly “Tickling the Ears” of those who desire to change the truths of God’s word, to fit their agenda.
Next on our list of Errors
“All religions are true, because they are true in the hearts of all those who believe in them. What other kind of truth is there? ”
Again, a first year theologian knows this is of great error.
John 14:6-7 (NKJV)
6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7 “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.”
the way to God is through Jesus Christ Himself. This is a critical verse, for Jesus said that no man could reach God unless he approached God through Jesus Himself.
The destination of Jesus was “the Father” Himself. The believer has the same destination: the believer’s destination is “the Father,” the One who so willingly and graciously adopted him into the family of God.
The only way to God is through salvation by Jesus Christ.
Acts 4:12 (NKJV)
12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
1 Timothy 2:3-6 (NKJV)
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time,
There is only one God, not the many gods of men. If there were many gods, then there would be many ways to reach the heavens of the gods. But there are not many gods. Logically, there could not be many gods. When we speak of God, we mean the Infinite and Supreme Majesty of the Universe. There can be only one Supreme Being, only one Infinite Being. If there should be many gods, then they would not be infinite or supreme; therefore, they would not be God.
The point is this: since there is only one God, there can be only one way to reach Him—only one way to be saved.
There is only one mediator between God and men. Man must have a mediator if he is to be saved, if he is to approach God and be acceptable to God. As asked above, why? Because there is only one perfect Person: God Himself. No man can stand before God, not in his own name or righteousness. Man is imperfect, and God is perfect. Man cannot make himself acceptable to God no matter what he does. Imperfection is unacceptable to perfection. If perfection accepted imperfection, it would no longer be perfection. Perfection has to be just and righteous, which means that it has to reject imperfection. God cannot accept imperfect man. God has to be just and righteous and reject man in all the imperfection of his thoughts and behavior.
How, then, can man become acceptable to God? God has to make man acceptable. God Himself has to handle the sin, condemnation, and death of men. But how? There was only one way: God, the Perfect Person, had to become Man. God had to come to earth in such a way that man could understand Him and understand what He was doing. This He did by partaking of flesh and blood and coming to earth in the person of His Son, the Man Christ Jesus.
⇒ God Himself had to conquer sin. He had to live a perfect and sinless life as a man in order to handle sin. By living a perfect and sinless life, He became the Ideal and Perfect Man, the Ideal and Perfect Righteousness that could cover and stand for all men (Hebrews 2:14-15).
This is part of what is meant by Jesus Christ being our Mediator. He stands before God as the Perfect Man, and He also stands between God and men as the Perfect Man. He is the Ideal Pattern of all men, of just what a man should be. Therefore, when a man really believes in Jesus Christ…
• God takes that man’s belief and counts it as the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
• God accepts the man’s faith and honor in His Son as righteousness.
• God lets the righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ, cover the man.
• God accepts the man’s faith as the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
Very simply stated, the man is not righteous, but God takes the man’s faith in His Son and credits his faith as righteousness. Jesus Christ stands as the Mediator between God and men; He stands as the Mediator of perfection and righteousness for man. The point is this: since there is only one Mediator, we must pray for men to come to know Him. And we must rush to proclaim Him to all men so that they can know about Him and have the opportunity to follow Him.
John 1:14 (NKJV)
14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to share with Man, the way of salvation.
And to be the way for our salvation. Thus, being the truth personified.
Next on the list of Errors ……
“God is changing and evolving as we are”
This is an example of socialist / marxist theology. Or what is
known as re-placement theology, which is running rampant in
South American countries. This type of Christianity is also akin
to pagan earth worship styles of man made religions. The same folks
are trying to apply this type of philosophy to our founding documents.
As mentioned earlier in this reply to the nonsense of the pope, God’s
word is timeless. As well as our founding documents. The only reason
people want to change them, is because Gods’ word, and our founding
documents won’t let them usher in their agenda.
In Jesus’ day the world seemed concrete, dependable, and permanent. These days many people fear its destruction by nuclear war. Jesus tells us, however, that even if the earth passes away, the truth of his words will never be changed or abolished. God and his Word provide the only stability in our unstable world. How shortsighted people are who spend their time learning about this temporary world and accumulating its possessions, while neglecting the Bible and its eternal truths!
Next on our list :
“The Bible is a beautiful holy book, but like all great and ancient works, some passages are outdated.”
The answer to this is in the previous statements…..
The next Error :
“The time has come to see these verses as later interpolations, contrary to the message of love and truth, which otherwise radiates through scripture.”
Men have twisted the meaning and intent of the writers of scriptures.
By stating, “God’s word is in error, for some record different versions of the same events. So how can we take any of it as being correct ?”
Well, it’s very simple to answer this, to where even the nay sayers could understand it, but would still deny the truth, due to their blindness and hate.
The reason some of what’s recorded in scripture varies slightly is due to
“when, where and when” it was written. Some writers of scripture were
first hand witnesses to the events recorded, where as, others, interviewed
those who were actually there. Some details will vary under these circumstances. If five people witnessed an accident, all five would have seen it from different perspectives. Thusly, providing different observational
details of the same event. Here again, all seeing the same event, but having noticed some details only available to their individual view point.
The implied error of the pope, that scripture was doctored up …..doesn’t
stand the test of time. As in the days of the events, if all the witnesses to
Christ’s miracles. And all the witnesses to Christ’s teachings were lies.
Then they would have been debunked as such, then and there. For there
are more than enough enemies of scripture, then and now, to have been able to of accomplished the exposure of these events as being fairy tales,
as they would have people to believe. The test of time has proven scripture
to be true, accurate, and the living word of God. Why do I say it’s the living word of God? Because it’s the only book which can bring about real change in one’s life. Also, Scripture is God breathed. Which means, man recorded what the Holy Spirit, (God), instructed him to write.
If Satan and his hoard want to be really effective in their deception, they would try to destroy the word of God so people wouldn’t know the truth,
nor would they recognize the lies.
Next Error :
“In addition to the Pope’s sweeping calls for tolerance and a new progressive understanding of Catholicism, he condemned racism, raising his voice and pounding the podium in front of him. Pope Francis spent over an hour castigating anti-immigrant politicians, parties and individuals.”
Here we see the insertion of politics into religion. Which is some instances
needs to be done. But what’s being laid out here is pure socialist/marixism.
These beliefs run contrary to real Christianity. I refer the reader to Pastor John Weavers’, “The Christian and Civil Government” parts 1-4
Found on sermon audio dot com. The institution of authority is derived from God. But man has corrupted it, as he has done everything else.
Next on the Hit parade of Errors :
“We will consider excommunication for those whose souls willingly dwell in the darkness and evil of intolerance and racism.”
Here the pope is displaying the very thing which he condemns.
That being, discrimination. He’s willing to give away the farm to all. But those whom disagrees with him, he castigates. Typical socialist/alinski
methods. Thus proving his marixts theology and politics.
In conclusion to the article, and to my response, an observation was made
by an individual that reveals exactly where the pope, and his views are.
“The seat of Saint Peter is vacant. I am now a Sedevacantist. I should have become one long ago. The Vatican has embraced ecumenism in the past, but worse than that, it has now embraced moral relativism on abortion and homosexuality. At the same time it is embracing moral absolutism in favour of illegal immigration and cultural genocide against Europe.”
This observation is correct, for it identifies the present thinking, and position of the current pope as an anti-christian.
Which is spouting, pure socialist clap trap. Distorting the word of God.
At the same time, interjecting marxist political agendas.
As is recorded in scripture ….
2 Timothy 4:3-4 (NKJV)
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
This is exactly what scripture said would happen, and we’re witnessing it
play out right before our eyes. What more proof does one need to believe
that Jesus Christ is Lord. God is still on His throne. And all is coming to
pass as is recorded in God’s word ?
Every day, the world is proven wrong. And that God’s word, is Truth.
Let the light of truth, which resides in you, be seen by all those around you.
The work of God, working in your life, is the ultimate proof that God changes peoples lives, through Jesus Christ, His Holy Spirit, residing with-in the believer.
PARACLETE I cannot find any deviation from scripture in your response. It shows that you translate scripture with scripture, which is the Only way to translate. so many of the so called “churches” are apostate. I saw it in my perception at least 30 years ago. I feel that there are still gatherings out there that still adhere to the Word, but they are few and far between, and dwindling by the day. All the more reason to dwell in scripture daily.
God bless you brother.
Brother Paul, You may enjoy listening to
The Liberty Bible Hour – Thursdays 7-8 pm
on http://www.libertytreeradio.4mg.com
Where it’s our goal, first and foremost, to
glorify God through the rightly dividing of
His word, and through God honoring music
and prayer.
LBH is an,
“Internet missionary outreach,
reflecting light so others may see.”
Thank you Brooks. I have listened to you before on there. If it’s not too much trouble, it would be great if you posted a reminder every week, as my 70 year old mind does not remember as well as it used to. 🙂
here is what we are dealing with itccs.org- I hope Kevin Annett succeeds in every way possible. This pope is dangerous. It is time to drop all political and religious labels and honor God and Country.
So the Vatican will take in all the immigrants of all seeking a better life?
The Vatican is a nation unto itself.
I do not see the Vatican opening up their doors welcoming those that are seeking shelter and a better life.
Most Many people know the Catholic Church has a not always been the church of tolerance & love. Plenty of examples of hate, piracy & evil have been initiated by the church over the past centuries. Many foreign lands were sac’d, lands burned, villages plundered & the people killed all in the name of God (Crusades as one example).
The Church has been dying recently; the number of new priest dwindles in the US for decades now. Most Catholic churches have at least one non US born priest. That is not a problem, merely a sign of the dire condition of the longevity of the church.
Slow assimilation, that is how the commies planned, decades ago, to take control of the USA. How to boil a frog, not much different.
The take over of the Catholic Church is not much different.
Then he, the pope, proceeds to condemn racism.
Will the confessionals be closed henceforth in churches?
Are crimes such as murder, rape, suicide & genocide no longer ‘bad’ things?
Are mortal sins no longer something the church & God reflect poorly upon…because of Gods eternal love?
This makes me think a lot of muhammad when he ‘modernized the islam holy book. What I feel was a specific personalization to suit his Earthy wants & desires. Very creepy, each of these actions.
The pope did continue
Strange enough that there are two living popes. The actions of the current Pope are very strange; certain things could explain both of these things and none of them are beyond what we the church has done in past centuries.
TWO living Popes? Could they be the two false prophets? Hmmm Both are Anti-Christ and carry the bent cross of the Anti-Christ and how many bow down to it without knowing. It is so sad that so many are deceived. This one is a Jesuit Pope and it is the Jesuits that are controlling the World. The Jesuits are looking on MT. Graham Observatory for the false Christ in the form of and alien. Only God can fight against the Satanist in the Vatican. That is why they want to demonize Jesus and make him less than he is putting themsleves above our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Pure evil. The Popes have already declare Sunday as their mark of authority and soon Sunday laws will be past and enforced. No one will be allowed to worship any other day but Sunday. They will be listed as Satanist by Rome and subject to tortures and death. There is nothing new under the sun.
The only thing that will save our Country is to obey 2Chronicles 7:14
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
“This one is a Jesuit Pope and it is the Jesuits that are controlling the World.”
The Jesuits may THINK they’re controlling the world, but the bottom line is: FOLLOW THE MONEY.
It leads straight to the Rothschilds, the TRUE masters of the NWO. The Jesuits are simply one more group of useful idiots, who will be disposed of once their usefulness ends.
EXCEPT the ones who are ‘jews’, of course.
The Pope is not the anti-Christ, Satan is. Still, this pope and others of course (with or without the pedophilia) are practicing as Satan’s minions (along with the Rothschilds and others). Finally, I do hope this heresy does reach Roman Catholic followers and does make them realize that Christ, and only Christ, is salvation, not some Jesuit-or-not-Jesuit dogma. Like my website says: Christ, not religion!
” Finally, I do hope this heresy does reach Roman Catholic followers and does make them realize that Christ, and only Christ, is salvation, not some Jesuit-or-not-Jesuit dogma.”
As an X catholic i must say that the only way a catholic follower can realize that Jesus the Christ is the only way, is to read and comprehend the most accurate scripture rendering one can acquire, which imo is the kjv. The catholic bible is not accurate at all, and has been doctored up. That said, people will still follow this apostasy to the bitter end.
Sorry DL, but Scripture says otherwise:
“Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now there are many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.” 1 Jn. 2:18.
“And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is the spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” 1 Jn. 4:3.
There are many antichrists, and have been down through the centuries.
Also, THE antichrist in Revelation will be a flesh & blood man. He will, however, be indwelt by Satan.
This is a spoof article written in December of last year. I was taken in too until I did a little research. Search on Google Pope Francis and Vatican 3.
Why can’t these idiots label it satire for cryin’ out loud! 😡 Otherwise, no one knows what’s real and what’s not anymore.
I’m sick of this shit and I’m sick of being made a fool out of. This ruins my credibility.
The site on which the article originated includes a disclaimer indicating that original content found on the site is “largely satire.”