Port Of Los Angeles Struggles With Surge Of Unscheduled Ships

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

With the US logistical economy still overheating thanks to the trillions in fiscal stimulus, incoming cargo to the Port of Los Angeles is surging as businesses restock depleted inventories and retailers prepare for an early holiday season, the executive director for the nation’s busiest seaport told Reuters.

Workers unloaded 471,795 20-foot equivalent units (TEU) of imports in September, 17% more than the year earlier, just shy of the August record high, and marking the second month of robust import gains at the top gateway for US trade with China. That trend has carried into October, said Gene Seroka, executive director of the Port of Los Angeles, where there are now 16 vessels docked and 10 at anchor with cargo waiting to be unloaded.

“We continue to see the replenishment of warehouse and distribution center inventories along with retailers prepping for year-end holidays,” Seroka said.

Amazon.com, Walmart, Target and Best Buy are among the U.S. retailers launching holiday promotions before Halloween to lock in sales and ease residential delivery crunches as worries mount over fast-rising COVID-19 infections and potential unrest around next month’s Presidential election.

The trend is a sharp turnaround from earlier this year, when pandemic related shutdowns – first in China and then in the United States – slowed ocean shipping traffic to a trickle.

And, as Reuters observes, reports, the unexpected jump in cargo is beginning to cause backups that could ripple through U.S. supply chains. Port workers are racing to process incoming containers and the arrival of 18 unscheduled ships in August and September made labor scheduling more complex.

COVID-19 safety measures like reduced staffing and physical distancing means it is taking longer to get containers out of the port.

“You don’t see as much staffing at each shift at our warehouses and distribution centers. It takes longer to process import cargo with those facilities,” Seroka said.


3 thoughts on “Port Of Los Angeles Struggles With Surge Of Unscheduled Ships

  1. And all the prices are going through the goddamn roof, nobody has any cash, this is all a phoney ass corporate production.

    millions of trucks are moving across America, delivering freight. Its a real head scratcher. much of it just gets put on another boat and goes somewhere else, friggen retarded.


  2. Unscheduled ships, eh? So what is on those “unscheduled” ships? Arms for BLM-Antifa? For MS-13? Arms for some “invading” ChiCom “army” (stationed in Mexico’s Sonora or Baja or even Chihuahua state? Supposedly in the 90s Mexico had Chinese troops near the US border…)

    Just a thought….

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