Pure Evil

hillary-clintonSweet Baby Jesus!!!! Do you see that face? That is the personification of EVIL! I know it turns some stomachs to look at it and I apologize. Think of it as being hit in the face with pepper spray…the more you do it the less effect it will have. We have to look this evil right in the face until our stomachs develop a natural immunity.

That is the face of a soulless demon thing from the very bowels of hell itself. An evil so monstrous, that were it’s true nature ever revealed, all life on this planet would cease to exist.  

Here are a few helpful tips should you ever encounter this horrendous beast:

Do not look directly into the creatures eyes. It has the power to hypnotize or, if it chooses, to drive peoples minds into insanity.

It has the power to murder with impunity and destroy the souls of even it’s once closest friends. (Vince Foster)

It’s evil laugh can stun or kill small living things.

It holds the power of deception but anyone who keeps the truth in their hearts shall not be swayed by it’s deceit.

Keep the cross of Christ handy. It won’t destroy the evil but it may repel it for the few precious seconds it takes to speak the words of the Ritual of Banishment.

God help us all in our hour of need.

*This has been a public service announcement.*


8 thoughts on “Pure Evil

  1. I have always treated her (and BO) the way we are supposed to view Medusa – not at all or only by way of a reflection; NEVER directly in the face or eyes. This so-called woman is so much more evil than most people can ever imagine.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if we had someone like the Ghostbusters to call to trap and capture evil creatures like this. Who ya gonna call – DEMONBUSTERS!!

    I can’t take these people any more!!!!!

  2. I would like to have 5 minutes alone inside a room with that biotch. All I need outside the room is a mop and bucket.

    1. Let’s do a drawing to see who wins the honor ’cause I would love a minute or two to pound a few points home. 😆

  3. Hate to say it, but I got exactly what I was expecting when I first saw the title.

    Next ‘prez’ (s)election.

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