#Q Bombshells Hitting Targets — Liz Crokin

Published on Dec 28, 2017

You won’t believe how many incredible things are happening right NOW. And a whole bunch of it is quantifiable. If your name it “Hillary Clinton” or “John Podesta” or “Tony Podesta”, you should be sh#tting your pants right now. Because according to #Qanon we are seeing the Trump Patriot deep state counter coup against the Satanic elite. Investigative journalist Liz Crokin joins me to discuss.

6 thoughts on “#Q Bombshells Hitting Targets — Liz Crokin

  1. I will not waste my time on this video. The script under the vid. is enough to know it’s nonsense.
    “You won’t believe how many incredible things are happening right NOW.”

    If you consider the destruction of my country and fellow American Nationals incredible you are an idiot and most likely committed treason against my Bill of Rights for voting for Trump, or anyone else you endorsed.

  2. Oh man, if this ain’t the slickest psy-op I’ve ever come across, I don’t know what is. Am keeping one eye on the enemy, but could only take first half hour. Just infuriating that they would use horrific child sexual abuse to promote Fox News as “the real truth” and Donald Trump as the frikkin’ Second Coming, as if he is innocent. Maybe this was posted to say, “Get a hold of these lying bastards.” Poster, you got some ‘splainin’ to do.


  3. Thought it was interesting that in the first part of the vid they are talking about all this stuff that they “suspect, but couldn’t verify,” but then 10 minutes later Crokin is talking about how her friends who didn’t believe her before were coming up to her and apologizing… For what?? Nothing is verified.

    Though I do find interesting stuff on sgtreport from time to time, if something appears there, you can pretty much put whoever created it on your shill list.

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