Rand Paul becomes first senator to contract coronavirus, is in quarantine

New York Post – by Mark Moore

Sen. Rand Paul has tested positive for the coronavirus and is in quarantine, he said Sunday.

“Senator Rand Paul has tested positive for COVID-19. He is feeling fine and is in quarantine. He is asymptomatic and was tested out of an abundance of caution due to his extensive travel and events,” read a message on the Kentucky Republican’s Twitter handle.

“He was not aware of any direct contact with any infected person.”

He is the first US senator to test positive for the virus.

Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart (D-Fla.) and Ben McAdams (D-Utah) said they tested positive last week.

A handful of other members of Congress have been in self-quarantine after being exposed to somebody who tested positive.

Paul said he “expects to be back in the Senate” following the quarantine and “will continue to work for the people of Kentucky at this difficult time.”

“Ten days ago, our D.C. office began operating remotely, hence virtually no staff has had contact with Senator Rand Paul,” he said in another posting.


28 thoughts on “Rand Paul becomes first senator to contract coronavirus, is in quarantine

  1. I think ted cruz had it b4 him. Whatever….. no loss to the gene pool if we lost a bunch of these dc crooks to
    Corona virus. Imho.

  2. Angel, what are you seeing in NY? I’m very curious. Do you know anyone that has the ghost virus? The tests have been proven to be inaccurate.

    1. Out of need, I broke down and a took a PT job with Home Depot. I was off today. Early this afternoon, I received a call from the MOD (manager on duty) informing me that one of our coworkers (they call us all Associates) tested positive. They were required to inform us, legally not allowed to reveal the name (though I have an idea of who and I’ll find out 😉 ), and they have done everything required by the CDC to clean and sanitize. The last day the worker was on the job was the 18th. I worked that day and 5 days before w/o a day off.
      I walk the 1.2 miles each way to work. I don’t take Mass Transit. I’m opening in the morning. I reminded him that I walk to work and said I’ll see you in the morning. Lord knows what I’ll be walking into. It has been crazy, people have been crazy.

        1. Like I said, I don’t know what I’ll be walking into in the morning. We’ll see. I’ll keep you posted.

    2. I can’t tell you how many of these silly City People I had to tell what an Ice Chest is.
      No, it does not plug in. It is not a portable freezer. You put ice in it and it keeps food cool, not frozen unless you use dry ice. “How long will it keep it cold? 2-3 days? ” That depends on how many times you open it.
      On and on the silly questions keep coming. About all kinds of things.

      1. Tell them that’s what you call a North Dakotan who goes outside in January wearing only a T- shirt 🙂
        If you want a chuckle tell them they can find the ice chest in the same aisle as the hope chest 🙂
        Hang in there Angel it can only get worse as the toilet paper hoarders have yet to figure out food storage 🙂

        1. Amazing how the politicians and two parties are STILL bickering like little children during a pandemic. And these are the people that Americans are supposed to trust?


    1. All the cool kids are catching this virus –

      “Harvey Weinstein Tests Positive For Coronavirus In NY State Prison; Convicted Producer In Isolation”

  3. This is the difference between the think tanks and the old propagandists who have taken charge.
    The think tanks throw a false flag out there, make a ton of mistakes, and then just remove the mistakes – like no blood on the body, the shooting looking like Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto – and they are just plain f-king busted.
    The old propagandists, they like to tell a great big lie ad nauseam, and it has to be a fluid red flag. You bust them on the fact that nobody knows anybody who has had the virus, then they bring in the actors. You talk about Trump and company and the reporters standing right together, they correct it. The key to their procedure is that the lie continues as they fix their f-k-ups.
    But when we are pointing out in the peripheral the f-k-ups that can’t be fixed up, like the lady who said she had it “several times”, either eliminating it as a virus or affirming that there can be no immunization, they just remove that clip and tell the lie again.
    We have Cuomo’s speech from today where he commits the same f-k-up. If you listen to the whole thing, I can’t remember the exact content, but he says if you do this or that your body might create an immunity to keep you from getting it again.
    Hey you f-king old propagandists. We know there are two or three nasty flues you are spraying on us and that the coronavirus is a campaign slogan and that you will continue to tell the lie, you think until it is accepted.
    We are not going to accept it and we see the power grab and your mealy mouthing around about imposing upon us authorities you do not have. You are in violation of the supreme superior ratified law for this country. The only f-king law for this country, it belongs to we the people, and you are not going to scare us though any kind of strategic martial law tyranny.
    Martial law will turn the war hot and we are getting bored with your f-king lie. We don’t have to catch you lying but one time and we already have caught you lying several times. Your coronavirus is a f-king lie. You’re tagged, and everything you try to make progress through this lie will be met with maximum resistance.
    So be careful or you may catch the cal virus. It has many versions, from cal .22 to cal .50 and every other rotten thing we can think of to cause your destruction in between.
    You are mafia criminals by definition of the English language and we will exercise our right and fulfill our duty to those who wrote down our unalienable absolute supreme ratified law to destroy you and restore liberty to our land and to our people.
    We ride with the truth and there is nothing you can do to stop us. So find a spider hole or just kill your miserable old selves. You have failed.

    1. They ran out of options, they had to go with the pandemic scenario, years ago, I remember you and JD saying this was the only avenue they had that would stick, desperation time.

      Only they involved the whole fkg world!

      1. I say A. Jones was one of the planners for this “live exercise,” as his prison planet name sure applies now. LOL

    2. I’m honestly excited that their sh!t is gonna disintegrate during my stay on this rock!
      I carry the anger of my past, and next three generations!
      To the Fkers at the “top”… HI, I’M HELL 🙂

  4. “This is a planned, organized partial shutdown of the U.S. economy in the second quarter. The overall goal is to keep everyone, households and businesses, whole… It is a huge shock and we are trying to cope with it and keep it under control.’
    This from a fed. reserve president. He proved what people have figured out. The virus is cover for the planned shutdown.

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