Rap News: Whistleblowers

Snippets and Slappits – by Giordano Nanni & Hugo Farrant

Good afternoon, viewers, thank you for clicking through to view this exclusive brand new edition of Juice Rap News back through with a global transmission with your host Robert Foster, and we’re glad to begin by introducing this routine interview scheduled today, with our regular US guest, now director of the NSA, General Baxter


Can you provide via satellite an update on the state of Empire?

Bob, I have to confide I’m satisfied. In fact, I got no axe to grind. Our Nobel Peace prize President mastermind has a healthy appetite for sending drones to smash the lives of Brown children… Muslims… I mean terrorist hoodlums.Egregious…

Goddamn right we agree it’s just; Every American’ll feel hot pangs of pride when they hear of this. But guess what I’m most excited about that’s finally happening


The court martial of Private Bradley Manning. Three years without trial and a touch of torture. That’s how we punish dissent in the Free World Order. After this, no one will dare blow whistles, or leak intel or question our right to read every single freaking email… oops

Did you just say you read everyone’s emails?

What? emails? no, we don’t read, scan, track, record and store every detail

At all?

No sir. Not wittingly… perhaps a few billion emails… accidentally

Ok General. we’re just getting sent a signal. It’s the fearless journalist Crusader, direct from Rio, the Guardian of civil liberties, Sir Glenn Greenwald.

Robert, hello

Hi, Glenn, What quest are you and your steed on?

A hero has leaked classified documents finally  proving that the NSA has secretly obtained access directly to all the servers of Facebook, Apple, Yahoo, Youtube, Skype, and Google, this PRISM system for spying on users from the dark side of the Moon’ll record everything, that arrives on screens: emails , chats, Grindr feed

Robert, it took great courage from this whistle blower to decide to leak. They’ve taken a great risk in getting us, their fellow citizens this critical glimpse into what is really happening.. behind the scenes

Mark Zuckerberg, your position?

Word, sit back, listen. You rocking with Zuckerberg, f#@kin’ nerd tactician


What’s that, ‘PRISM’? Never even heard of that system.Yeah we got a program running, but we call it FASCISM

Do your users like that? A billion likes, cousin: and if you dislike something, here’s my dislike button,I’m in charge you fuckin’ turds, interview’s over, finished, ended


Mark Zuckerberg CEO, bitches! unfriended

Uh okay then…General, would you like to make a statement?

I’m disgusted

You are? That’s amazing

I had no idea that this could occur, It’s devastating

Shocking, I concur; so will there be an investigation?

You betcha, we’re gonna get those who broke their oath to the law


And hold them responsible, this has gone too far.

I think the whole world feels the same…

Call Gitmo! I’m personally going to torture whoever leaked all this info

Wait, what..?

We’ve become a frickin’ culture of leaks

What if every uppity geek who happens not to agree with the state’s tyranny decided to expose it to all and sundry. That might lead to a revolution!

Indeed! see what I mean?

Look, we welcome this debate, openly. free speech is sanctified

Ok then, does the NSA keep…

Sorry that’s classified

So what are the laws for the…

EEENG!! Access denied

Well, how can we see

Oops debate time has expired…

Ah hold on, we’re picking up another feed: this time from Hong Kong. Glen?!

It’s me again, I got an update on what’s going on

Greenwald! We’re gonna prosecute you for reason… I mean treason

Uh uh! Your threats are no match for my shield and you’ll cower under the weight of words when I’m wielding my pen sword!

By the power of Greenwald!

Ah… did you have an update for the people?

Oh, yeah… now World, meet the brave leaker, Edward Snowden. He’s made a video to reveal his motives for whistle blowin’.

What’s up Edward

Hey Glenn what’s up

Yeah what’s going on here?

Me wan big up the At Steppa dem Ellsberg and Manning

You know what I’m saying?

Yo, Snowden they’re gonna come around here looking for you today


word. Bust it

Whistle Blower. You know say Eddy a Snowden Dem gon blame

Fi leaking secrets out

Dem NSA a sayna Eddy Snowden done betray de USA

By leaking secrets out

Whistle Blower

You know say Eddy

a Snowden Dem gon blaame

Fi leaking secrets out

Dem NSA a sayna Eddy

a Snowden done betray de USA

By leaking secrets out

Workin a for dem N

SA down in Hawaii findin

a me

some paper that na be irie

’bout de Babylon put fire ;pon de civil liberty

so me decide fi trade me safety

for de sake o

defend all ah me city zen privacy

if ya see supm, say supm, follow me, and be Whistle Blower

You know say Eddy

a Snowden Dem gon blame

Fi leaking secrets out

Dem NSA a sayna Eddy

a Snowden done betray de USA

Fi leaking secrets out

Well, dear viewers, that’s about it for this edition

But it wouldn’t be complete without some final questions

Whi stleblowers. They leak in the public interest.

Now what remains to be known is: is the public interested?

If so, this might be a good day to exhibit it:

Ignorance is a choice, in the age of the internet

Many consider this all very bewildering

Some praise these acts as heroic, worthy of mimicking

Others condemn them as illegal and prohibited

But, can’t both be equally applicative?

To be good humans we’re sometimes called upon to be bad citizens.

Some nations were even born by breaking laws of the tyrannous.

Do you support heroes from days of yore who in order to cause reforms disobeyed the law?

Then what about those in the present who heed the same call?

This is Robert Foster for Rap News, good day to you al


One thought on “Rap News: Whistleblowers

  1. Wow, I hope you can find a better wind up doll than that one, I think its’ key is stripped…….Oh, hell, continue the fight for Freedom & Liberty no matter what you rap!

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