Real Self Reliance: A Model for Profitable Micro-Farming (On Just 1.5 Acres)

micro-farm-modelSHTF  Plan – by Adam Taggart, Peak Prosperity

Editor’s Note: One of the key tenets of living a sustainable lifestyle is the ability to produce one’s own food. Traditionally, accomplishing such a goal required would-be farmers or ranchers to first find land, come up with a ton of start-up money, and then move the entire family out to rural America. But what if there were a way that you could produce enough food for yourself, while also feeding up to 200 families without the typical start up requirements for farming? In the following interview with Adam Taggert of Peak Prosperity and The Market Gardener author Jean-Martin Fortier, you can learn just how to do it yourself. Moreover, not only will you be well on your way towards self reliance, but you can turn it into a profitable business while you’re at it. Jean-Martin Fornier did and he did it using just 1.5 acres – an incredible feat considering most farms requires acres upon acres of land to be successful. Don’t miss this one – it could well change your life (and if enough individuals and families start their own micro-farms, it could even change how our entire society works from top to bottom).  

As we awaken to the realities in store for us in a future defined by declining net energy, concerns about food security, adequate nutrition, community resilience, and reliable income commonly arise.

Small-scale farming usually quickly surfaces as a pursuit that could help address all of these. Yet most dismiss the idea of becoming farmers themselves; mainly because of lack of prior experience, coupled with lack of capital. It simply feels too risky.

The refrain we most frequently hear is: I think I’d love doing it, but I don’t know how I’d make a living.

Enter Jean-Martin Fortier and his wife, Maude-Hélène. They are a thirtysomething couple who have been farming successfully for the past decade. In fact, they’ve been micro-farming: their entire growing operations happen on just an acre and half of land.

And with this small plot, they feed over 200 families. And do so profitably.

The Fortiers are pioneers of the type of new models we’re in such need of for the coming future. Fortunately, they realize this, and are being as transparent about their operations as they can — in order to educate, encourage and inspire people to join the emerging new generation of small-scale farmers.

They have published a book, The Market Gardener, which is nothing short of an operating manual for their entire business. In it, they reveal exactly what they grow, how they grow it, what tools and farming practices they use, who their customers are, what they charge them, and how much profit they take home at the end of the day.

A quick summary of the numbers from their 1.5 acre operation:

  • 2013 revenue: $140,000
  • Customer sales breakdown:
    • CSA operations (140 members): 60%
    • Farmer’s markets (2): 30%
    • Restaurants/grocery stores: 10%
  • Staff: 2 paid employees + the Fortiers
  • 2013 Expenses: $75,000
  • 2013 Profit: $65,000 (~45% profit margin)

Their initial start up costs were in the $40,000 range. Not peanuts; but fairly low by most new business standards.

Did I mention they’re doing this in Quebec? (translation: colder, and shorter natural growing season vs most of North America)

Learning to do more with less, and doing it sustainably, will be a key operating principle for future prosperity. Here’s a model that shows it’s possible to do both, and have good quality of life, to boot.

We need more of these.

(Hat tip to reader Bill12 who brought the Fortiers onto our radar)

Click the play button below to listen to my interview with Jean-Martin Fortier (34m:16s):

You can also view this video at Youtube

Full transcript available at Peak Prosperity.

Get the book: The Market Gardener

5 thoughts on “Real Self Reliance: A Model for Profitable Micro-Farming (On Just 1.5 Acres)

  1. I for one am buying this book, when I saw this it gave me great hope, since we have 12 acres, so we could do even more. This has always been my dream to be a farmer, not living in suburbia surrounded by idiots. Well we hired a guy to do our dirt work, it should be finished in May, and then we have to work on getting a house or some type of living quarters, while we sell this house, or let the bank have it, whichever comes first!! So articles like these really make me happy, as I can see that my dream can be a reality!! Patience!!

    But also remember on even a 1/10 of an acre there is a family in Pasadena, CA, making a living, and they have goats and chickens!! They grow all of their own food!! So it can be done no matter what size lot you have. I am learning it is all in the soil, good soil and anything will grow!! 🙂

    1. If you do I would pay less for a scan copy.

      I have farmed and I currently am starting two other companies(like the electronics repair as a hobby). One of these is a bed and breakfast/hostile where its an operating farm with employees and volunteers/trade workers who can live/eat on-site for reduced pay/compensation.

      The farm will run on river driven PTO, steam, solar(various types inc. H2O heaters), wind, ethanol and anything else we build. Its incorporating cold frames, green houses, ‘natural’ food parks(planted to look wild) as well as rows and aqua/hydro-ponics.
      The living/accommodations will include master suite, private 2-4 person cabin/cottages(to include straw bale, cob, in-ground cutouts), bunk rooms. Their will be compost toilets, full service kitchen, theater room, shooting range, 4 hole golf park, and more.
      All on 20acres.

      Like to see their model on marketing and sales. I also like to collect pdf’s on everything. Sometimes Ill by the book but usually as a gift for someone else after having read it myself.


      1. I will probably order it next week, I have to pick up my daughter this weekend out of state. I wouldn’t charge you to scan it. So I will let you know, give me a few days.

        Can I just come and live with ya’ll?? Ya’ll got it going on!!!!! 🙂 but I do bring with me a hubby, 5 cats, 4 dogs and a teenager!!!! 🙂

        1. Sure. Love animals. teenagers not so much… lol

          Its a big idea and is my 5 year plan. We plan to have at least 10 people full time residence.

          1. That really is a cool ides. I want to do something similar. I will have to hire a farm hand and I am hoping they can live on site, but I have not worked out any details yet. I have a family in mind, but they don’t even know it yet!! I am still in beginning stages, getting the property to drain, so it is usable. Good Luck with your 5 year plan, that sounds like a really good idea!! 🙂 I am ordering the book today!!

            I just ordered it, from their website, amazon was cheaper, but I hate amazon. When I get it in, I will let you know.

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