Reid: ‘Anarchists have taken over’ in Congress

The Hill – by Ramsey Cox

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday said “anarchists” have taken over Congress.

Reid (D-Nev.) said Tea Party Republicans are preventing progress on an energy efficiency bill by offering amendments on ObamaCare and other unrelated issues.  

“We’re diverted totally from what this bill is about. Why? Because the anarchists have taken over,” Reid said on the Senate floor. “They’ve taken over the House and now they’ve taken over the Senate.

“People who don’t believe in government — and that’s what the Tea Party is all about — are winning, and that’s a shame.”

On Wednesday, Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) said he would prevent votes on lawmakers’ amendments to the energy bill until he’s assured he’ll get a vote on his amendment, which would require some congressional and executive branch staff to enroll in the ObamaCare health exchanges.

“It’s defund ObamaCare, and I guess as the fiscal year comes to and end that’s what it’s all about,” Reid said.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also introduced an ObamaCare-related amendment that would delay the individual health insurance mandate for one year, and codify the Obama administration’s one-year delay of requirements that employers provide insurance.

“Let’s delay ObamaCare mandates for families right now,” McConnell said. “Then let’s work together to repeal the bill.”

The Senate is working on S. 1392, the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act. This bill is meant to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. Reid said he hoped he and McConnell could work out a deal to allow votes on germane amendments later in the day.

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7 thoughts on “Reid: ‘Anarchists have taken over’ in Congress

  1. Senator Schumer called the Tea Party terrorists now Reid calls them anarchists. Even some of the old Republican political elite never have been happy with this new Tea Party threat. Many political elites in both parties thought they would eventually be able to persuade Tea Party members into coming around to their old way corruption, lying to the American people and convincing them how things are done in Washington DC. The Tea party is a threat to the 100 year reign entrenchment of the current two party system. A simple grass roots movement like the Tea Party has them scared to death They consider them Terrorists under the Patriot Act and NDAA and would love to whisk them off to some clandestine prison to never be heard from again so they could keep their corrupt power.

  2. Im so sick of seeing these freakin dinosaurs that are misrepresenting the people, its guys like Reid who are 100% to blame for the state of the nation.

    1. My thoughts exactly……..
      The scout leader to the sheeple speaks again……

      Calling patriots racist and terrorist didn’t work…. now he’s trying the antichrist route.
      Obviously he had to be looking in the mirror when making this comment.

      Memo to Reid: Its not working anymore. Were gonna kick your ass!

  3. That’s not true…Reid is lying. I’m an anarchist…and I’m not trying to take over anything. I just want other people to stop telling me what to do. Let me live my own life. It’s called true freedom. I would like to be able to cross the street without being givin a jaywalking ticket or being tased or beaten.(just one small example)

  4. Unfortunately Reid is wrong. I would love for anarchists to take over and dismantle the federal government, but we aren’t there yet. It is better anarchists than communists. Anarchy is closer to the original principals of this nation than the communist pieces of shit that we have now. As for tea party, I know plenty of them including politicians, they are just as morally bankrupt and ccorrupt as the RINOs and Democraps. <- not a typo.

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