REPORT: the Missouri Citizen’s Militia is NOW IN Ferguson to protect innocent Americans from the tyrannical ‘police state’

1 News Junkie

The Missouri Citizen’s Militia is NOW IN Ferguson to protect innocent Americans from the tyrannical ‘police state’ according to the linked facebook post from Aaron Penberthy. Missouri’s Militia was recently at Bundy Ranch protecting innocent Americans from the CORRUPT FEDS who have NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN TERRORIZE INNOCENT Americans. Straight from the lips of Penberthy on Facebook:

Aaron Penberthy If peaceful protesters get fired upon, it is my duty to uphold the constitution Clay Martin. If innocent families are being attacked, I have no choice but as a human being to go defend.

Here is more on Aaron Penberthy:


3 thoughts on “REPORT: the Missouri Citizen’s Militia is NOW IN Ferguson to protect innocent Americans from the tyrannical ‘police state’

  1. It is good to here that the seige of Ferguson has been broke and good citizens are getting in and helping to take back the City State of Furguson and return it to it rightfull place as a town in MO. It may be a long fight there getting all the rebel militia rounded up and charged with treason. As no martial law was declaired there. And yet the town was blockaded, internet shut down a Federal offence as that is under Federal jurisdiction. And the Govonor of MO. stood idle by and failed to send in State Police to help break the seige of Furguson as well. With the baring of all news from there it is truely a horendious crime that the Ferguson rebel group did here to good American citizens. And they themselfs as American turn coats should be hung for treason. A strong example needs be set here as to what will happen to any group that comes in and takes a American town over for there own pleasure and use with out propper Martial law being declaired. Also B.O. should be held acountible here for not ordering the FBC to restore comunications with Furguson at any cost against the rebels. And American Military sent in to break the blockade of Furguson. But we do have the good citizen here yet willing to lay there lives on the line to protect American towns and citizens here. Against rebel blockades and power plays. By our President failing to have personel standing by to arrest these rebels and failing to offer protection as well or even try. We now must consider him a traitor to the American Nation as well. And unfit to remain in America at all or return to here.

    1. “… with out propper Martial law being declaired”

      And what would you consider “proper” martial law?

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