Republican Lawmakers In Five States Propose Bills To Criminalize Peaceful Protest

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Oh no not the dear republicans. Yes, the dear republicans are sailing the same ship the democrats are and it leads to the new world order.

On Saturday, the Women’s March on Washington will kick off what opponents of the incoming administration hope will be a new era of demonstrations against the Republican agenda. But in some states, non-violent demonstrating may soon carry increased legal risks — including punishing fines and significant prison terms — for people who participate in protests involving civil disobedience.  

Source: Republican Lawmakers in Five States Propose Bills to Criminalize Peaceful Protest

World Events and the Bible

4 thoughts on “Republican Lawmakers In Five States Propose Bills To Criminalize Peaceful Protest

  1. If they outlaw peaceful protest, then maybe people will decide to protest less than peacefully. “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.”

    What do lawful, peaceful demonstrations accomplish, anyway? I have yet to hear about one that actually changed anything.

    The only way a nonviolent demonstration can cause change in a corrupt system is when there’s an unstated but clear threat of violence or major disruption issued by the protesters. A mass display of anger can send the tacit message: “Today we’re just yelling, but tomorrow we might be shooting.”

    1. Yep, as with with “If you don’t vote you can’t complain” types (which I tell them, “the time for complaining is over!”)–same thing with peaceful protesting–the time for that is over! And I’m not talking BLM-SJW thugs here, either!

  2. “… including punishing fines and significant prison terms — for people who participate in protests involving civil disobedience.”

    Which is exactly why civil disobedience needs to be taken to the next level.

    Fully armed ‘disobedience’ is the ONLY valid option left to us these days.

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