Researchers Warning That Hackers Can Now Steal Info From Our Brains… Remotely

The Daily Sheeple

We have now entered a new level of cyber-reality where hackers in real life can actually data mine information from our brainwaves by reading our neural signals… using Brain-Computer Interfaces.

Now just think about this tech in the hands of the NSA…  

AI brain

Via Daily Mail:

Researchers at the University of Washington say that time is running out and officials need to employ a privacy and security framework to stop those who would use our own brains against us, reports Motherboard. ‘There’s actually very little time,’ electrical engineer Howard Chizeck told Victoria Turk with Motherboard over Skype.

‘If we don’t address this quickly, it’ll be too late.’

…These cyberthieves can find out what political party you affiliate with, religious beliefs or sexual orientation – things that could one day be used to damage your reputation. ‘Broadly speaking, the problem with brain-computer interfaces is that, with most of the devices these days, when you’re picking up electric signals to control an application… the application is not only getting access to the useful piece of EEG needed to control that app; it’s also getting access to the whole EEG,’ explained Bonaci.

‘And that whole EEG signal contains rich information about us as persons.’

(read more)

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6 thoughts on “Researchers Warning That Hackers Can Now Steal Info From Our Brains… Remotely

  1. It’s good that dangers like this are being made public before they get a chance to metastasize. I myself would never put those electrodes on my scalp, and I imagine others here feel the same way. But the general public is going to be blissfully unaware of this sort of privacy threat unless explicitly warned about it. Even then, many will stupidly ignore the danger, because “if you’re not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about.”

  2. Nice find #1
    And straight out of No Escape to an extent, as the tech grows they will have the sensors in the walls just as they did in the movie.

    1. “…These cyberthieves can find out what political party you affiliate with, religious beliefs or sexual orientation – things that could one day be used to damage your reputation.”

      Likely what they’ll get is old t.v. ‘programming’.

      Nothing secret there… 🙄

  3. And people and our lovable MSM thinks putting chips in our heads for medical and pharmaceutical purposes will make our lives so much better.

    Oh and don’t forget to use the new chip reader and get your new RFID chip embedded credit/debit card that we are forcing on you, as it will provide better protection from hackers due to it being encrypted!

    Just weeks after it comes out, hackers steal credit/debit card information so much easier and quicker than before.


    How dumb can you get? When will people ever learn?

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