Richard Kiel, who played Bond villain Jaws, dies aged 74

Published on Sep 11, 2014 by euronews (in English)

The American actor Richard Kiel has died in hospital after breaking his leg, although doctors are not connecting the accident with his death.

The 74-year-old had been in a motorised wheelchair for some time following a truck accident several years ago, which led to him easing off on his acting career.

The role that made him famous was as Bond villain Jaws, a role he only got after turning down Darth Vader in the first Star Wars because he felt wearing a mask would limit his acting.

17 thoughts on “Richard Kiel, who played Bond villain Jaws, dies aged 74

  1. Jaws died? That sucks. Loved him in the James Bond films. Liked the small part he played in Happy Gilmore, too.

    Wow! I Didn’t know he was offered to play Darth Vader. Learn something new everyday.

    May he rest in peace.

    1. Ole “Jaws” played a part in Clint Eastwood’s “Pale Rider”. He kind of reminded me of diggerdan. Of course, so did Lurch and Herman Munster and this comment is in no way an attempt to besmirch my friend diggerdan. He was a gentle giant among a society that scorned him because he was anti-social. He hated society and the dishonesty one must endure to take part of.

          1. The flood of illegals swarming across our border? No #1 and N.C, digger infected me with a “tincture” of the trenches and I’ve been hooked ever since. I was already “awake” but he kept telling me that I must check out FTTWR. com and he was absolutely right. He was so enthusiastic about Henry’s website he had it up 24/7. It was still logged in to the trenches when I looked in on his place after he stepped through “The vagina between worlds” as he so aptly put it. Right now, Jaws just sat down next to him and Bob Marley!

      1. Hey Millard. I still have Daniel in my heart, and always will. He and I had some deep, and meaningful conversations. He will never be replaced. I can still hear his voice. “Watch your back brother”. What a beautiful man he was. I am honored to have known him.

  2. “The American actor Richard Kiel has died in hospital after breaking his leg, although doctors are not connecting the accident with his death.”

    Strange that they’re not saying what they ARE connecting to his death. ?

  3. As a kid I had a friend who’s dad died from a femur break which resulted in a bone splinter blockage causing a massive coronary. No luck there!

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