Rick Perry says he’ll be ‘better prepared’ to run in 2016

Washington Post – by Philip Rucker

In 2012, Texas Gov. Rick Perry plunged from presidential front-runner to laughing-stock in what he now admits was a “painful” and “humbling” experience. Now, as Republicans begin looking for a standard-bearer in 2016, Perry’s message is clear: Don’t count me out.

Weighing a second presidential campaign, Perry said he has devoted himself to boning up on policy matters and preparing both mentally and physically to make a better impression than he did in 2012. On Thursday, he sought to demonstrate to reporters in Washington that he has the discipline and intellectual vigor to give it another go, even as he said he has not decided whether to run again.  

“Preparation is the single most important lesson that I learned out of that process [in 2012], and over the last 18 months, I have focused on being substantially better prepared,” Perry told reporters at a luncheon sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor.

Perry is retiring later this year after 14 years as Texas governor, making him the longest-serving governor in the nation. But he promised that he would not “ride off into the sunset,” saying he is “a patriot” and “a competitor.” Regardless of whether he runs for president, Perry said he sees himself becoming an “a person of influence in some form or fashion.”

“I’m getting to be a bit of an elder statesman,” Perry said.

But not too elder. One reporter, noting that Perry would be 66 at the next presidential election, asked the governor whether he felt too old in a party increasingly gravitating toward a younger generation of leaders, like Sens. Rand Paul (Ky.), Ted Cruz (Texas) and Marco Rubio (Fla.). Perry quipped, “66 is the new 46.”

“Age is substantially less important than ideas and experience,” Perry said, noting that many Republicans believe President Obama was too young and inexperienced when he took office.

Perry dismissed the suggestion that Cruz, a tea party firebrand and potential 2016 presidential candidate, had overtaken him as the leading Republican figure in Texas. When one reporter asked whether Cruz had reshaped Texas politics, Perry said, “Ask me in eight years if Senator Cruz has made an impact on the state. At this particular point in time, it’s a little bit early to say that a new senator would have substantially changed the state.”

Perry spoke at length about energy and environmental policies. He said believes the scientific evidence showing that humans contribute to climate change remains unsettled.

“I don’t believe that we have the settled science by any sense of the imagination to stop that kind of economic opportunity for this country,” Perry said, a reference to building the Keystone XL pipeline and the exploration and development of domestic energy sources.

Perry briefly referenced his comments last week in San Francisco, in which he told an audience that he believes homosexuality is a behavior akin to alcoholism. He did not take back his statement, saying only, “I stepped right in it,” and that the controversy he stirred with his remarks was a distraction from more serious issues.

“Whether you’re gay or straight, you need to be having a job, and those are the focuses that I want to be involved with,” Perry said.

Perry, whose back surgery and associated health problems slowed his 2012 candidacy, told reporters he had fully recovered.

“I’m healthy,” Perry said. He detailed two changes that have helped ease his pain. First, he stopped running and began a new daily fitness regimen of sit-ups, pull-ups, crunches and time on a stationary bicycle. Second, he stopped wearing cowboy boots with an arched heel and now wears flat shoes.

From time to time, Perry said, he gets pain in his back, but he takes two Ibuprofen and the pain goes away.


15 thoughts on “Rick Perry says he’ll be ‘better prepared’ to run in 2016

    1. There’s not enough lipstick on the planet to put on that pig. When he opens his mouth, something unbelievable happens. Yes, there is someone out there less intelligent than George W. Bush and he can’t read words like the trained monkey they have now!

  1. Bahahahaaahaha!!! Oh man, the shit keeps hitting the fan at record speed these days. Now this dipshit says he is going to run for president again as if there will be a presidential election in 2016.

    Isn’t it funny or more than a coincidence that everyone in this country who is thinking of running for president next term are all doing their best to cater to the illegal immigrants and the Mexican/Latino vote rather than the American vote which is, oh I don’t know, THE ACTUAL PEOPLE LIVING IN THIS COUNTRY!!!

    Why is that? Why is the Mexican/Latino vote so much more important than We the People’s? Other than treason, are they telling us that America will be a Mexican nation by 2016? I think so!

    That is, unless We the People stop it. And it starts with taking our militia and storming DC, the root of the problem!

    I mean if people can’t see the invasion by now, then I truly don’t know what to say.

    1. NC, don’t know if you saw the info. I posted on the article where you said you’d locate a militia in your area. Well, here is the info.
      Great, NC. I searched around and this one looks good.
      Check out the whole site. They appear to be right on target. There was one that did a thorough back round check, and also sounded sort of wimpy, imo.
      The link above is actually showing a training coming up June 21.
      If someone has NC’s email, please send this to him,as I don’t know if he’ll see this post. Thank you.

      1. Yea Angel sent it to me. Thanks. Do you know if the Texasmilitia.org the wimpy one you were talking about?

        1. No, it is texasstatemilitia.com
          Might be a good one, again just appeared to be restrictive, don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.
          The one I was looking at is texasmilitia.info
          Thanks to Angel for sending you the info.

  2. “Rick Perry says he’ll be ‘better prepared’ to run in 2016”

    Can he do that from the end of a rope?

    1. Ahahaha…..I love your comment, #1! Seriously though, I’m sure a good hemp rope would be a perfect fit for this clown.

  3. so what’s the current state of the “north american union” agreement?
    did the bitches sign it yet?

    because all the stuff i’m seeing on this site recently make me think they did.

    for anybody not upto speed,
    the NAU is based on the EU,
    it is an international agreement to merge north america,mexico and canada.
    travel,work, and legal rights(ha ha).
    and eventually a single replacement currency.

    dont blame obama for this, it pre-dates him by a long way!

    and the same scum behind it also want to create an “african union” and something in the middle-east.
    then eventually merge all the unions into one single global nightmare!

    1. “dont blame obama for this [NAU], it pre-dates him by a long way!”

      Obama could have repealed the NAU, as well as the NDAA, the Patriot Act, and ended the multiple unconstitutional Wars during his 2-terms as President… therefore he IS to blame!

      Obama has also continually bypassed Congress and has declared himself to be the Dictator and Chief through HIS Executive Orders, which has never happened in any preceding Presidential Administration… so again, who is to blame for THESE actions?

      BTW: Congress is just a housing of lame duck, opportunistic, politicians. They sit back and line their pockets with bribes, while making “threats” for Obama’s impeachment… but that is as far as it will go.

      1. Obama will take the heat for the “Puppetmasters.” What they call the “Ruling Elite” and these people aren’t elected, they’re born with a silver spoon and loopholes to keep the money in the family. What would the world be like if they still enforced the old inheritance tax?

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