Russia says it will not allow Syria no-fly zones

A Syrian Air Force fighter jet loyal to Syrian President Bashar Al Assad flies past before firing missiles at Erbeen near Damascus January 26, 2013, in this picture provided by Shaam News Network. Picture taken January 26, 2013. REUTERS-Karm Seif-Shaam News Network-HandoutReuters – by Gabriela Baczynska

Russia, a veto-wielding member of the U.N. Security Council, will not permit no-fly zones to be imposed over Syria, Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said on Monday.

“I think we fundamentally will not allow this scenario,” Lukashevich told a news briefing, adding that calls for a no-fly zone showed disrespect for international law.  

Lukashevich spoke before planned talks between President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama on the sidelines of a G8 summit in Northern Ireland which were expected to focus on the conflict in Syria that has killed at least 93,000 people.

Russia and the United States are trying to bring representatives of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his foes to the negotiating table, but Moscow has criticized U.S. plans to arm rebel forces and to consider imposing a no-fly zone.

“All these maneuvers about no-fly zones and humanitarian corridors are a direct consequence of a lack of respect for international law,” Lukashevich said.

He said Russia did not want a scenario in Syria that resembled the events in Libya after the imposition of a no-fly zone which enabled NATO aircraft to help rebels overthrow Muammar Gaddafi.

(Reporting by Gabriela Baczynska,; Writing by Steve Gutterman, Editing by Timothy Heritage)

4 thoughts on “Russia says it will not allow Syria no-fly zones

  1. Vlad, you had your chance to help Syria by delivering on the signed contract for the AA missiles, which you reneged on.

    Do you truly think the world’s leading terrorist states, Israel and the USSA, are going to ask your permission to destroy Syria, while hiding behind a no-fly zone?

  2. Russia seems to be controlled opposition.
    Old Bolshevik jew power structures still seem to be in power behind the scenes there. (I don’t believe they folded shop when the Berlin wall crashed down) Also note, Czech Republic falling back into Communism.
    Putin is looking more and more like window dressing.
    All to advance the vision of greater israel…I mean khazaria.
    Controlled and manipulated by Rothschild and Co.


  3. Americans can’t control their own government from rampaging over the themselves and the rest of the planet. Perhaps someone else will have to.

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