Russia Sends Naval Forces to Syrian Coast Amid Concern of US Attack

Anti-War – by Jason Ditz

Russian media are confirming reports that they are in the process of a naval buildup off the coast of Syria, sending additional frigates through the Bosphorus into the area. This is being called the largest naval presence Russia has had in the Mediterranean since 2015.

This comes as the US adds warships to the coastal area as well. Russia noted in particular that the USS Ross, armed with Tomahawk missiles, was deployed to the area recently. This comes amid repeated US threats to attack Syria.  

Russia has been warning the US against attacking Syria again, while US officials continue to reiterate threats if there is a “chemical attack.” Those threats take on a whole additional seriousness amid reports Islamist rebels in northern Syria are planning to “stage” such an attack so the US will intervene again.This comes as the US adds warships to the coastal area as well. Russia noted in particular that the USS Ross, armed with Tomahawk missiles, was deployed to the area recently. This comes amid repeated US threats to attack Syria.

NATO made no mention of the US ships in the area, but issued a statement calling on Russia to “exercise restraint” with its own ships, and faulting them over the humanitarian problems inside Syria.


2 thoughts on “Russia Sends Naval Forces to Syrian Coast Amid Concern of US Attack

  1. “Russia has been warning the US against attacking Syria again, while US officials continue to reiterate threats if there is a “chemical attack.”

    Everybody & their mother knows the U.S. is planning a fake ‘chemical attack’ in Syria.

    What would you calculate that the odds that the scumbag bast@rds will run with it anyway at???

  2. I’m still trying to confirm this news with certainty. I learned about it on a post at Steve Quayle only 3 days ago.. 17 Russian ships suppossedly passed through the the Turkish strait of Bosphoros from the Black Sea into the Mediterranean 3 weeks ago….Web search results are minimal or from 3 years ago. If it’s true it’s scary stuff.

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