Russian troops open fire on Ukraine troops after they refuse to vacate Crimea base on orders of defiant commander

The troops in the base have been waiting for orders as thousands of other troops are withdrawn from the region as tensions with Russia heightenDaily Mail – by Will Robinson

Russian soldiers have stormed through the walls of an airforce base in Crimea after a Ukrainian commander ignored demands to leave ordered his troops to ‘stand their ground’.

At least one Ukrainian soldier is reported to have been shot and explosions have been heard at the Belbek base near Sevastapol after a tank broke through the gates.   

Earlier Russian troops surrounded the compound and issued an ultimatum for their opponents to surrender.

Colonel Yuli Mamchur was seen talking with Russian opponents as the deadline set for them to leave the base lapsed.

Troops at the base are not said to be heavily armed, but have readied themselves with sticks and metal pipes.

The base, above which the blue and yellow Ukrainian flag was flying, is one of the few military facilities on Crimea still controlled by Ukraine after the annexation of the peninsula by Russian forces.

‘The Russian troops at our aerodrome gave us an hour to surrender or they will start storming. We are going nowhere, let’s see what this storming is,’ Oleg Podovalov said.

The ultimatum was due to expire at 12.30 GMT, but there was no sign of the Russians moving in on the base.

The Russian takeover of the Black Sea peninsula has been largely bloodless, though one Ukrainian serviceman was killed and two others wounded in a shooting in Simferopol earlier this week.

Ukraine’s Defence Ministry said on Friday Crimea’s bases were still formally under Ukrainian control, but most are now occupied by Russian troops and fly Russia’s tricolour flag.

Two weeks ago, it was reported that snipers were positioned in the area surrounding the Crimean base.

Earlier this week Ukraine started to withdraw its troops from Crimea to the mainland amid fears Russia plans further military incursions into their territory after militiamen seized three Ukrainian ships.

Russian troops have majority control of the Black Sea peninsula after storming three Ukrainian warships following the takeover of several military bases.

Shots were fired and stun grenades as the Ukrainian corvette Khmelnitsky was seized in Sevastopol while another ship, the Lutsk, was also surrounded by pro-Russian forces.

Ukrainian servicemen were also seen disembarking a third ship, the Ternopil corvette. There were not thought to be any casualties, however.

The action came hours before European Union leaders agreed to widen the list of Russian officials subject to personal sanctions over the seizure of Crimea – while asking the European Commission to prepare for broader economic sanctions if the crisis escalates.

Yesterday ethnic Russians flooded the streets of Crimea as they celebrated the area’s referendum to join with neighbouring Russia with fireworks and street parties.

Thousands revelled in Simferopol, the capital of Crimea, where the population is around 58 per cent ethnic Russia.

Soldiers at the Belbek base looked distraught as they received the news of the Moscow bill – regarded as illegal by the international community.

Today, more than 5,000 pro-Russia residents demonstrated in the eastern city of Donetsk demonstrated on Saturday in favor of holding a referendum on whether to seek to split off and become part of Russia.

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4 thoughts on “Russian troops open fire on Ukraine troops after they refuse to vacate Crimea base on orders of defiant commander

  1. “Troops at the base are not said to be heavily armed, but have readied themselves with sticks and metal pipes.”

    Do you see this? These brave souls’ walls were just trashed by tanks, but they’re still standing up to the Russian army despite being armed with only sticks and pipes.

    Countless Americans, armed to the teeth with the latest high-tech rifles, are hiding in their houses and crying “what will I do if they take my guns away?”

    This is what happens when you’re raised by Disney.

    1. Hi Jolly Roger,


      Disney is nothing more than the Child Entertainment/Indoctrination arm of the zionist/communist system that has already overthrown this country.

      JD – Disney is communism/facism.

  2. The thing is real simply it boils down two forces, GOOD or EVIL. Now its time to deport evil off the planet earth, if its evil remove it.

  3. Evil is so easy to find these days.You have to look no farther than the thieves and traitors in DC and the pentagram to find it.Another good place to look is at your local governments and their many spin off organizations,DHS TSA CIA,FBI,all corrupt evil bastards being paid to ignore the Constitution!

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