Sabotage: Special Forces To Target U.S. Economy, Infrastructure, Railways, Power Plants, Waterworks, and Refineries In the Event of Mid East Conflict

special-forces3SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

If you were under the impression that the brewing conflict with Syria is over or that it would be a simple one sided affair with the United States launching “brief and limited” strikes on Syrian military assets, then consider the following report from a Russian military review.  

According to Senior sources within the Syrian military, as well as Russian insiders, an attack on Syria will not come without repercussions here in the United States. The report, published by the widely read European newspaper Pravda and not carried by mainstream U.S. news channels, indicates that Bashar Al-Assad has been pre-positioning Syrian special operations teams inside the United States with the sole intention of disrupting our economy and causing maximum damage to critical U.S. infrastructure elements in high population areas including railways, power plants, water utilities, oil refineries and military targets.

Should President Obama launch an attack on Syria (or perhaps even Iran, Syria’s closest ally), these forces have been given orders to engage key targets on U.S. soil.

Hundreds of Syrian army special forces soldiers are currently located on the territory of the United States, ready to conduct a series of sabotage operations in case of a military aggression against Syria.

The publication lists potential targets that can be damaged, including railways, power stations, power plants, waterworks, oil and gas terminals, and military objects, mostly air and naval bases.

An anonymous source said that the diversion could be implemented in the most densely populated areas and states in order to cause maximum damage to the U.S. economy and infrastructure, simultaneously causing panic among the population.

Attacks against civilians are not planned, the anonymous source at the Ministry of Defense of Syria assured. All fighters grouped in units of three to seven people are employed by the Syrian special forces “al-Qassam” and undergone an extensive training. They are equipped to carry out sabotage operations in the United States.

The source said that the Syrian leadership has chosen this strategy based on the experience of the wars in Yugoslavia, Iraq, and Libya, where the aggression was reflected from a defensive position, which doomed these countries to failure.

If true, it’s possible that this and the threat of a Russian military response are responsible for President Obama’s back peddling on military strikes in Syria.

Save September 11th, there have been no large-scale foreign born attacks on U.S. soil in recent history. Though German submarines targeted U.S. naval assets off our coasts during World War II, America has been left generally unscathed during military conflicts since the Korean war in the 1950′s.

That will change should the United States attempt military intervention in Syria or Iran.

If this report is to be believed (and it could be nothing more than propaganda), this time around Americans will directly experience the fallout from wars we initiate in other countries, and it will come in similar fashion to what we’ve done in Iraq and Libya, and have planned to do in Syria. The targets will be the civilian population, which will be left without electricity, water and potentially even food due to lack of gasoline supplies should the handful of refineries that make it available in the U.S. be destroyed or damaged.

These critical infrastructure elements are totally exposed to sabotage. Each of them, as well as our nuclear power plants, are usually only protected by private security firms (not the military-grade kind) and local police forces. Thus, a well coordinated military style takeover of utility plants or refineries is not out of the question, and is a completely plausible scenario.

We don’t know the exact number of Syrian special forces commandos supposedly in the United States. However, even a limited strike force, combined with cyber fighters such as the Iranian backed Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, an organization that may have been responsible for last month’s NASDAQ stock exchange outage, could wreak havoc across a totally unsuspecting U.S. public.

What we know is that our life sustaining infrastructure is not secure. The U.S. government knows this and has been planning contingency operations should these areas of our country come under attack.

We also know that any disruptions to the regular flow of commerce would be disastrous, leading very quickly to panic, looting, and a breakdown in civil order.

The Syrians, Iranians and Russians know this as well, thus it only makes sense for a country with limited military resources to take this course of action should we engage them in military conflict.

If we attack Syria or Iran in the future, the American people can fully expect a direct response on U.S. soil. This could well result in our emergency response personnel being overwhelmed and without the ability to provide aid for the millions of people who would be affected within a matter of hours.

The only prudent steps to be taken by the American people are to individually plan and prepare for such events. The government will not be there to provide aid, because despite their efforts to convince us they have everything under control, nothing could be further from the truth. Isolated regional disasters like Hurricane Sandy or Katrina led tocomplete pandemonium in the streets.

If we can’t handle a Hurricane when we have been given a week of advance warning, what do you think will happen if our infrastructure, economy and commerce systems are hit with a coordinated military attack across the most densely populated areas of the country?

37 thoughts on “Sabotage: Special Forces To Target U.S. Economy, Infrastructure, Railways, Power Plants, Waterworks, and Refineries In the Event of Mid East Conflict

  1. Syrian army special forces attacking or Syrian rebels? I think the latter. More fear-mongering. This makes no sense. If Obama is scared because there are Russian troops and Syrian troops in our country that will attack conveniently at the same time that he wants to attack them in the Middle East, then who’s fault was it to bring them over here in the first place and give them FEMA and DHS aid and training? You knew you were going to attack them. You knew they were going to be the enemy. So why the hell did you give them aid and invite them over? DUH!!!!

    Only one logical answer to this and that is the fact that he is playing both sides and contributing to the downfall of America because no one would be so ridiculously stupid and obvious as to do what he is doing and expect to get away with it.

  2. Thanks to modern navigation aids and composite materials for building boats those oceans either side of the US aren’t as expansive as they used to be. There is no reason to think weaponry cannot be shipped across the Atlantic from Africa into South and Central America from where it can be moved north overland or sailed up the east or west coast. I think a lot of that US-supplied heavy weaponry reaching rebels in the Middle East, such as truck-mounted .5″ machine guns, will be used against Americans in their own homeland.

  3. “Save September 11th, there have been no large-scale foreign born attacks on U.S. soil in recent history.”

    FOR CRYIN’ OUT LOUD, 9/11 was NOT a foreign based attack!!! It was done by our own government. Stop reiterating the lie and start reporting the truth.

  4. Oooooh come on people. Do they think that we are that stupid??? After all the things the government is doing to be ready for October 1st and oooh do they love to cause mass harm in October. Then we have the secret nukes being placed on the east coast. Then we have the “take down the grid” drill. Then just yesterday Southern Oregon decided to tell everyone that they would have a big 9.0 and to prepare for utilities being out for almost 6 months to a year. When is the last time utilities were out for 6 months to a year because of an earthquake??? They are even going to do a road show to warn the people of Oregon. Are you flipping kidding me? I might have been born stupid but I wised up quickly. The writing is on the wall folks. Those on the inside know it. Another false flag to get us into war and to cover their arses from the financial fall out. How convenient to make a case to blame Assad. Mean while we have Russian, Chinese, and U.N. Troops training here in the U.S.? They are all on the same team. Puppets with the strings going to the same people. I hate to say it folks but as much as we all wish that there would not be a “One World Government” the Bible says it will happen. The only thing that will help you now is to repent and get your heart right with God through Jesus Christ ( NOT THE FALSE CHURCH’S) . The rest is out of our control. Wise as serpents and gentle as Doves.

    1. There will not be a One World Government because people like me will refuse to follow any script that dictates such.
      If you are thinking this is Armageddon, then send all of your worldly possessions to Henry Shivley, P.O. Box 964, Chiloquin, OR, 97624.
      I mean, if it is the end and you are right with God, you don’t need them anymore then, do you? I think this would be called putting your money where your mouth is.

      1. That is right, 🙂 Yes I could also make use of their unneeded possessions. At least ome of them anyway 🙂 . No need to let it all go to waste is there. 🙂

  5. I see that they like to edit the truth here on this site. So be it. Now I know who you really are. My comment did not have anything bad in it but still did not get allowed. So only the soothsayers get to talk huh?

    1. No, your comment did not go up because you tried to insult me on the internet, from afar.
      I’ll tell you what is not allowed on this site absolutely and that is defeatism. So from now on when you talk about “we” make sure to qualify that as you and the mouse in your pocket. You insult one of the people that writes for this site and you will not be here. Your call.

      1. I’m not sure how that could be construed as an insult as you assumed things that were not true and I called you on it. As for Defeatism, you can call it what you will, but then maybe you should keep others from posting things about scripture also to be fair. Heck I just read a post that talked about that very thing just a minute ago on your very site. I’m not defeated because I understand something is going to happen. I am more than a victor even if this foul world falls apart. Why don’t you just post my comment and let the others decide if it really was an insult or if your skin is a little to thin!

        1. Here’s Handy’s comment:

          “If you think that I’m some stupid fool who believes that God will just take me away when things get bad then you better keep looking. There are many things and many years of trouble ahead and the One world government is just one of many. And who said anything about Armageddon. Get your head out of your ars. Just because you will refuse to go along does not mean that the other 6 billion will not. I mean just look at how this world runs already. We already have a one world Financial system. “Give me the control of a nations money and I care not who makes it’s laws.” People are so bold when they talk on the net but when it really comes down to it most will bend the knee to this new system.”

          So, do you think I should kick his ass off or am I just being thin-skinned? 🙂

          1. The Lord fully expects us to fight to protect our women, children, and ourselves from the Enemy. We are not called to simply allow them to slaughter us like cattle. What Christ said about turning the other cheek does NOT apply to a life or death situation. We will fight the forces of evil all the harder, since we know the true nature of this battle.

            As far as the “other 6 billion” are concerned, IF you had done your homework, you would not make such an asinine statement, as the majority of us here KNOW that their agenda is to KILL at least 6 1/2 billion, and leave only 1/2 billion alive to serve them as slaves.

            Obviously, those of us here (including & especially those who don’t claim to be Christians) are far more aware of Satan’s plans than you appear to be.

          2. Yes Henry, I hate to say it but Handy does sound like a possible boot licker. He can speak for himself when he is talking about all this one world this and that crap. We are american native nationals and that is all. We are strong and we do not need that one world bs propoganda.

  6. I commend you Henry and you have earned my respect. I do apologize if I offended you as it was not the desire. But as a newbie in the reply business I did not know you and had to assume that I was speaking to someone who just makes smart alack comments to try to geode people on. As for kicking me off. It’s your right. But I think it would be better not to. I’m not here to make enemies. My hope is to talk to like minded people and that is why I like your site.

  7. It is truly amazing to me how people can just assume and judge someone who they do not know in the least bit. You make assumptions like ” I don’t know the plans of Satan” or ” He’s a boot licker”. Why not instead ask me instead what I do believe in. It’s very obvious that I know about their plans to take out 6 or 6 1/2 billion. As for the “bootlicker” I think you need to go look that word up. Who’s boot am I supposedly licking here. I made no reference that I agree with what is going on. I just simply stated what I see going on and that what the Bible does say about it. As for the turning the other cheek. I’m not sure where you thought that fit in this situation as it does not have anything to do with anything I have said. But if your going to profess that you know the scriptures then you better read them again. When the Roman soldiers came to John the Baptist and asked what they needed to do to obtain eternal life he responded “Do no man no harm” These were hardened soldiers. Then we have Jesus just before they grabbed him to crucify him, he said this to those around Him ” If my kingdom were of this world then my servants would fight”. And just after that Peter doing what all of us would want to do pulls out his sword and cuts off the ear of the servant. So what does Jesus say and do? He heals the mans ear and reproves Peter. And closer to the point in Revelations we are told in no certain terms that those who live by the sword WILL be killed by the sword. And just before that we are told that “Here is the FAITH AND THE PATIENCE of the Saints.

    I do not like any of the things that are going on and it grieves my heart to see so much evil. But you cannot over come evil with evil. We that truly believe in Jesus Christ and his message are not here to save this kingdom. It really has already fallen as it is plain to see. And no this was never a “Christian” nation. This nation was founded upon mason principles and the blood of many people. This government has always represented that form of evil and tyranny from the beginning. They did not even try to hide it. It is plain for us to see but most of us where blind to it’s meaning. Just look at all the symbolism as I’m sure you know. Proverbs says “A wise man see’s danger and hides himself”. Now if this is your kingdom as you profess then fine. Fight for what you believe. But if you profess Christ Jesus. Then you are fighting for the wrong kingdom. As for fighting for your family. Fight that fight from your knees asking God to hide you from his wrath. For it is plain in scripture that the wicked are His sword.

    Psalms 7:1 O LORD my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me:
    2 Lest he tear my soul like a lion, rending it in pieces, while there is none to deliver.

    Psalms 17:13 Arise, O LORD, disappoint him, cast him down: deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword.
    14 From men which are thy hand O LORD, from men of the world, which have their portion in this life, and whose belly thou fillest with thy hid treasure: they are full of children, and leave the rest of their substance to their babes.

    So are we to say the David was a “bootlicker” too? Pride goeth before a fall.

    1. And the Bible has had many many translators!! Tell ya what Handy, religion and god is too damned personal to me to believe in any made up group religion. I talk to God every damned day and I don`t need any preacher to preach to me about God. Too bad other people don`t see God every day in what they do. After all ” Isn`t there only one God ” 🙂 and I am not even religeous. By the way Handy, I think God would rather to have us all stand tall and look at God square in th eye than to get out the knee pad and bow down to him as we are all supposed to be equal in the eyes of the lord our God, are we not?

      1. Relax digger…Handy is just spouting off the same old 501C3 bullshit where we are all supposed to bow down and have our heads cut off….misinterpreting the scripture to keep everyone helpless kind of nonsense that put us all in the position that we are in today. Best to ignore him and he will go away.

        1. Tammyc I can understand your anger at the false religions of this world and I can see why you would say what you say. For me it is simply by faith that I understand and believe that “having my head cut off” is not the end for me. I’m am not afraid of what they do to this body for I know the goodness of the Lord and compared to this world I would take that anyday. It is not helplessness. For it takes more strength to lay down a sword than to pick one up. Those in Christ are not helpless. But most that profess don’t walk the walk as you know.

        2. Yea tammyc, you maybe right. I was always told to ” never talk politics and religon ” 🙂 Yea tammyc but we should give him a fair chance ya know, He actualy maybe a good guy ya know 🙂 . I hope so anyway. 🙂

          1. Your absolutely right digger…as I found out from a conversation a little farther down. I even went so far as to ignore my own advice…lol. Stupid, stupid,stupid…lol. But I managed to clear up a few things…Handy seems like a good egg. At least he is trying like all the rest of us.

          2. Yea tammyc, I was a real off the wall jerk with ya and I am sorry about that. Like I always say ” I still do feel sh*ty about how I acted towards Angel NYC and NC a year and 1/2 or so ago as well as to how I treated you a while back – and I mean it Angel, NC and yes you too tammyc. We are all a real good decent group here and I am real proud to still be here. I just get overly protective and out of line sometimes. Something I am trying to work on. We all keep the faith here kiddo 🙂 .

      2. Yes Diggerdan your right. There is only one God. It is man and Satan that has done all they can to cause the confusion. I don’t subscribe to any man made religion as they have all been corrupted. I just follow the word as it was laid out many years ago in the KJV as the Holy Spirit has confirmed in my heart. The reason I will bend my knee to Jesus is because He loved me when I was not loveable. He saved me when I was not worth saving in my own eyes. He still loves me more than I can understand and I am thankful for that. He loves you to Diggerdan as he loves all of us. That is why he came. But we all must choose in this life what we believe and what we want. As for being equal. Well since none of us are worthy then I guess your right. We are all equal. For all have sinned and fallen short. I will try not to preach so as not to offend. But sometimes I ramble on in my desire to share. I pray that God would lead you into all truth and confirm that truth in your heart. For there is truth to be had but we must know it for our selves. By the way I don’t always get on my knees. Most of the time I talk to him like I’m talking to you. : )

        1. Well it’s been a long time since I have read the Bible…I just had a problem with where you placed what Jesus said. Like I said it’s been a long time but if I remember correctly when Jesus said “If my kingdom were of this world, then my servants will fight” he was saying that to Pontius Pilot after his capture. Also referring to his confrontation with Satan where Satan said “all these lands will be made yours if you obey my will.” and Jesus refused him.
          All meaning that the earth was never the kingdom of Jesus to begin with and Satan has been in charge the whole time.
          It may be harder to lay down the sword than it is to pick it up…the difference is knowing when to lay down the sword or when to pick it up. It’s the Knowing that is most difficult.
          I think I would rather pick up the sword and face becoming that which is despicable than being led about the collar as a slave.

          1. I agree that the knowing is the most important thing. And your right. He was standing before Pilate when he said it so I misplaced the timing but the context is the same, as he is talking to him about his servants fighting for him to keep him from being taken. And yes these are all satin’s kingdoms.

          2. I will apologize for calling you a 501C3 bullshit artist…that wasn’t nice and I’m sorry. It’s hard to identify friend from foe these days.

          3. It was sure nice to hear that tammyc Thank you. Your right. It is hard to know friend from foe these days. Especially with so many trolls.

    2. “Just because you will refuse to go along does not mean that the other 6 billion will not.”

      “People are so bold when they talk on the net but when it really comes down to it most will bend the knee to this new system.”

      You stand convicted by your own words:


      You really should read your own comments BEFORE replying to a reply to it.

      Better that a fool remain silent, than to open his mouth and remove all doubt.


      “Then said he unto them, “But now,he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” Lk. 22:36 KJV (the only Bible I read, ALL others are corrupted).

      Why sell your garment to buy a sword, if it’s not intended to be used?

      1. NWO Hatr. You seem full of malice and anger. I did not say that they would succeed in their plans. I simply stated that I know about their plans. (so maybe you should read it again) And as for buying the sword. You show me one scripture that shows ANY disciple, apostle, Bishop, etc. using that sword to kill another. I don’t think you will find it. But you will find all evidence of examples of restraint and how not to avenge ourselves and to trust God for protection and judgement. I too use only the KJV bible. So I will leave you with this scripture. 1st Corinthians 8:1 the last part. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.”
        I’m not sure why you seem to be so angry with me but if you are a brother in the Lord then we should find ways to love one another and lift each other up. Not beat each other down with words that profit little. In these last days the hearts of many are waxing cold. I pray all the time that God would help me not to let my heart wax cold and hard in these difficult days.

  8. You know … this article reflects what has been in the back of my mind from the first day Obama said he wanted to strike Syria … in which case we all know it’s really all about taking out Assad.

    You know … my mother always told me as a child that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction or consequence to one’s actions.

    My gut told me that that equal and opposite reaction would be a retaliation on the U.S. homeland. I guess we’ll see.

    So I’m really not surprised this article finally came out. I wonder what took them so long to finally say it?
    . . .

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