6 thoughts on “Save Our Soul – Lori Duckworth Facing Life in Prison for Medical Marijuana

  1. They don’t want them on the streets obviously because they are that many more that will fight when the time comes. They have been a huge money maker for the trillionaires, all of their assets seized etc.

    Lori Duckworth is just another example unfortunately. Life imprison accomplishes nothing.

  2. more garbage from the super rich who are apparently financing the sale of drugs in order to have control over more people.

  3. What? A mood enhancing, brain and heart healing, immune system enhancing substance to compete with our legal poison, arrest those people! 🙂

  4. Thanks, digger. Excellent video, in which I heard several messages:

    – It outed another of the so-called 2nd amendment sheriffs. I’ve come to a personal conclusion that these sheriffs are going to leave the gun issue alone because they don’t want to be shot at, but consider anyone fair game for anything else in the criminal prison for profit industry, no matter how many rights they violate. Do you think even 1% of LEOs have read the Bill of Rights?

    – So far, registering in any manner for medical cannabis is an easy trail directly to your door for the federal alphabet agency nazis and the local gestapo to make your life hell and lock you up in one of the prisons for profit.

    – It’s always about the money, and de-criminalized and legalized cannabis, making it as mundane as growing lettuce and tomatoes, would result in $ billions in lost profits for the scum in big pharma. It figures that the organized criminals in Israel would be involved.

    I wonder how many of the LEOs in Medford, Oregon, are involved in the illegal drug trade themselves and resent their loss of profits from medical cannabis?

    My last thought on this issue: We are born on this planet and native to Mother Earth. We are part of her life, and every day she provides us with what we need. No one has the right to make us pay to live on this planet where we are native, and no one has the right to dictate what we can or cannot grow out of the abundance that Mother Earth gives us.

    1. Exactly Enbe. I read a lot of messages in this video too. I know that in a town about 20 + miles from me is about 60,000 people and the cops there have been known to be the biggest drug dealers of all. They sell anything you want including stolen guns and weapons and then they will turn around and bust the people they sold to if they do not like them. Them cops there have beem doing that in that town since the 60`s… What probobly peed them cops off with that Lori Duckworth is that she gave away 70 Lb.s worth of medical pot. She could have made a LOT of money off of that 70 lb.s. We all got to hand it to that Lori Duckworth, she is a good kid in my books for doing what she did and does 🙂 . Herb should not be sold – it should be given away to those that want and need it. It is great to know that she gave that away, she apparently has a lot of heart to do that.

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