Daily Sheeple – by Piper McGowen
In an era where school shootings have been blasted all over the news media so it would seem to the average TV view that these things happen all the time in this country (even though they don’t), some schools have decided those “gun free zone” signs they post out front might as well be akin to “Hey, unarmed victims here!” and have decided instead to advertise that they now allow staff to carry firearms.
Okay Public School Superintendent Charles McMahan told the Muskogee Phoenix, “The signs are more or less a deterrent. We don’t want to be a soft target.” The school district, located 50 miles southeast of Tulsa, passed an “Armed School Employees” policy just this past August. The policy requires an armed staff member to possess an Oklahoma Self Defense Act license, be CLEET qualified, and hold Council on Law Enforcement Education Training Certification or a license.
Well isn’t that what most gun free zones are? Filled with soft targets? Can anyone think of a mass shooting that’s happened recently that didn’t take place in a gun free zone?
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Contributed by Piper McGowin of The Daily Sheeple.
Piper writes for The Daily Sheeple. There’s a lot of B.S. out there. Someone has to write about it.
There shouldn’t be a debate about this at all. If they want to carry guns, it’s nobody’s business but their own.
“to possess an Oklahoma Self Defense Act license”
Is that an extract of the Constitution and a copy of the 2nd Amendment? They are all Americans. not? So why the hell do they need a ‘license” or ‘Permission” for something that is a natural right?
an unalienable right, no less
an unalienable right, no less
“The signs are more or less a deterrent. We don’t want to be a soft target.”
Beware of ‘drills’ nearby.