School Tells Child She Can’t Write About God

From WREGFox News Radio – by Todd Starnes

A Tennessee mom is looking for answers after her daughter’s teacher refused to let the child write about God for a school assignment.

Erin Shead, a 10-year-old student at Lucy Elementary School in Millington, was assigned to write about someone she idolized. The girl, who is a Christian, decided to write about God.  

“I look up to God,” she wrote. “I love him and Jesus, and Jesus is His earthly son. I also love Jesus.”

The youngster also said that God would “always be the #1 person I look up to.”

“It was so cute and innocent,” Erica Shead told television station WREG. “She talked about how God created the Earth.”

But Shead said her daughter’s teacher objected to the choice and told her she could not use God as an idol for the assignment.

Erin told her mom that it had something to do with religion  – that God could not be her idol. The teacher then allegedly told the child that she had to take the paper about God home – because it could not remain on school property.

“How can you tell this baby – that’s a Christian – what she can say and what she can’t say?” Shead asked.

The teacher approved of Erin’s second choice — Michael Jackson.

Shead told WREG she met with the principal and still has questions about what happened.

“I told the principal this morning, would it be better if she wrote about Ellen Degeneres?” she said. “Of course there was no comment.”

Christian Ross, a spokesman for Shelby County Schools, told Fox News ”teachers are prohibited from promoting religious beliefs in the classroom.”

However he said the district does not have a policy that prohibits a student from expressing religious beliefs in class assignments.

If that’s the case, why was Erin Shead not allowed to write about God?

Ross did not provide an answer.

“This incident has been addressed at the school-level, and the principal has contacted parents of the student regarding their concerns,” he said. “Out of respect for and in order to protect the privacy of individual  students and staff, the district is not commenting further on this matter.”

12 thoughts on “School Tells Child She Can’t Write About God

  1. Everyone should call that school and their administration office… now!!! This is war! We must confront them on every cause. Expose the evil vile everywhere it pops it head up.

    1. Insane
      Just insane…
      and more
      I’ll repeat myself
      Just insane……………
      any one of us and this teacher also, when born, and no understanding of language at the time of birth, and language does come, immediately can ask the question……”What Is”…..
      I don’t care what language you or I are born into….that’s as valid of a question….and a commonly shared question…..among all peoples…
      she deserves to be fired on the spot….
      OH Local School Boards have to be careful….
      Attorneys have gotten in the way of intellect…………………thats right

  2. ….while not a big backer of the God theme from anyone…as I am unsure as to our origins myself….I would still have to ask……Michael Jackson…? We can’t have the young lady express any “religious” thoughts….but we can choose (force) someone to write about MJ….? Great dancer…great singer…sad guy with a lot of problems….but don’t write about your spiritual belief…? Very strange… as though the teacher couldn’t discern the difference between endorsing religion… and accepting the simple sample of a writing assignment? Wow…that should be the


    RJ O’Guillory
    Webster Groves – The Life of an Insane Family

  3. If everyone would quit tolerating these indoctrination centers and pull their children out and homeschool, the schools would either change or cease to exist. It isnt hard to homeschool. It is definately cheaper than to spend tons of money to have your child brainwashed at the government training facilities. My child is smarter now than public school children and questions everything.

    1. here’s the thing bulldog…and i am with you on this
      but there’s just a high percentage of parents who can barely get themselves up in the morning let alone being personally responsible to teach their own off spring…..its sad! yes! its also true…
      Local school boards have to do their job….they have to access their own common sense in solving problems. thats the reason they stepped up to the plate to serve on the board…….in those schools that are failing its primarily on the shoulders of the board itself……….they have to look in the mirror..

      1. I agree that most folks are too lazy to educate thier own children. Most of the people on these school boards are flaming communists that were educated in the universities.
        My mother is a retired school teacher and both myself and my sister home school. That says alot about the state of our schools.
        I let the system educate my two older children and I can definately tell the difference. They are good kids, but the views that were put on them they still believe today.

        1. you are correct…
          and i am somewhat, though not in mind, but in age, to the extent that I have no children close to enduring this problem, although, I have three grandchildren who are in the public system..
          also, i did not mean to say, most folks are too lazy…..thing is…they have no clue….on how to do it and no discipline with which to carry it out should they want to………..
          Public education is a necessity and so is home schooling for those who choose to do so….these both are not at opposites they are complementary….

  4. Students do not leave their first amendment at the door way when they walk in.

    This teacher is in for a rough ride HA HA HA HA.

    But seriously the attack on the first amendment is an on going issue.
    Even though the aclu is fighting on the side of freedom of speech they are also on the other side of the coin. Playing both sides of this is what they do in order to control the opposition. The lawyers are getting paid the standard 30% possibly more who know exactly.
    Its under attack in the so called higher education system in commifornia with subject matter about the Palestinian and israel conflict/occupation being discouraged or out right suppressed by administrators and professors/adjunct professors because of legislation there that passed. In order to maintain a lie one must keep the public in the dark about the reality around them. If they could put us into tubes all hooked up like the matrix they would. Wait am I in the tube now?

  5. I have in front of me 4 United States Federal Reserve Notes in the denominations One Dollar, Five Dollars, Ten Dollars, and Twenty Dollars. Along with these notes I have 4 United States coins in the denominations of penny, nickel, dime and quarter. All of these forms of currency have one thing in common. Somewhere on every example are the words “In God We Trust”. I ask you why can’t this student use God as someone she idolizes? If the United States places its trust in God, why does this girl have to deny God as her idol. To me this makes no sense. I have never met this girl but I will say this, “I Love You For Trying To Bring Our Beloved Creator, and The Creator of ALL THINGS GOOD back into our consciousness. Thank God for a family that holds our creator in such esteem. Without God, Nothing Is Possible!”

  6. OMG! How much longer do I have to hold my temper?

    As a former school teacher, I’d be bitching up a storm on that teacher and the principal.

    I’m sure if she had a picture of Obama to look up to, then she would have got A+ and POLITICS wouldn’t be an issue in the school, right?

    YOU F**KING WHORE OF A TEACHER AND THE SAME GOES FOR THE PRINCIPAL!! You are both a complete abomination to God and this world. I Hope you burn in Hell.

    ““This incident has been addressed at the school-level, and the principal has contacted parents of the student regarding their concerns,” he said. “Out of respect for and in order to protect the privacy of individual students and staff, the district is not commenting further on this matter.””

    OH! But when it comes to force vaccinations or keeping kids away from their parents via DCPS, then they have NO PROBLEM commenting on the matter. MORE ONE WAY SHIT! F**K YOU, YOU HYPOCRITICAL PIECES OF SHIT!

  7. Godless commies like this sorry excuse for a teacher should be transfered to the absolute WORST school in whatever city they live in, one full of little monsters with no Christian upbringing, and no respect for others.

    They say there are no athiests in foxholes in wartime.

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