Scientists Want To Give The Atmosphere An Antacid To Relieve Climate Change

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Climate change is a lie, a hoax to suck more money out of your pocket and place more constraints on your life. They continue to “geoengineer” the world which is spraying the populations with poison. All based on the lie of man made climate change. Climate change has been proven to be a lie over and over again. Man has done enough damage to the earth there is no doubt about it, but spraying the population with chemicals to supposedly change the atmosphere is insane and something everyone should be aware of. God set the earth in motion and she is going to stay that way.

As long-term global average temperatures steadily rise, and international efforts to address them steadily fall short, some scientists and engineers are working on increasingly desperate solutions to the symptoms of global climate change.

One approach to “geoengineering” the earth is to mimic the natural atmospheric cooling effect that tends to follow the massive dispersion of sulfur dioxide into the air during a volcanic eruption. There are a few obvious problems with this approach. For instance, it’s unclear what nation or international body would be authorized to release the sulfur dioxide. The chemical is also a pollutant that can cause acid rain. It might indirectly both eat away at the layer of ozone that protects living things from ultraviolet light and warm the lower part of the stratosphere above the tropics, about 19 miles up.

A group of Harvard researchers led by David Keith, a professor of applied physics and public policy, just proposed a different solution in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. An aerosol of calcium carbonate would have a similar cooling effect as sulfur dioxide on the upper atmosphere and help protect the ozone layer as a bonus.

Source: Scientists Want to Give the Atmosphere an Antacid to Relieve Climate Change – Bloomberg

World Events and the Bible

One thought on “Scientists Want To Give The Atmosphere An Antacid To Relieve Climate Change

  1. In case you have not figured it out yet, if they don’t spray to geo-engineer the clouds, we fry just like revelations from the bible says we will. What they have not told you is that the Ice age and Sun age are all cycles that happen every so many thousands of years. Then the earth will experience one thousand years of peace, as the bible says, because man will be gone for that thousand years until we regenerate from the microbes we are. Our you can believe In a character named God, the one that loves the smell of blood and wants you to sacrifice your best livestock to him. Our you can believe in the character Jesus who says that God f!@ked up and you need to go by the new testament that King James wrote and not the old testament. You know the bible, the one that says you must trust your government. WOW!!!! Perhaps it was written by those that know how to enslave others and have been enslaving others for many centuries. Believe what you want, as it is impossible to get to the truth anyway, unless you are one of the extreme elites. All I know is that my life has been one lie after another and that many people prefer to live that way.

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