SeanTaeschner – Unsung Hero for all Teachers

Uploaded on Mar 3, 2011 by Michael Barrett Miller

Sean Taeschner recently won a lawsuit against the Seattle Archdiocese for “wrongful termination.” Sean blew the whistle on financial irregularities at the school where he taught in the Seattle area.

Sean explains his case, his experiences and his recommendations to teachers so they can be better protected than he was when he did the “Right Thing.”

At this juncture many teachers working for the Catholic Church across America are not covered by any unemployment coverage should they lose their job.

Sean speaks to this in a passionate way full of hope that teachers will step away from their fear and do the right thing for themselves and the children they are responsible for in the school house.

The following link has been posted on many blogs, edited for various newspapers, Twitter re-feeds, Facebook, Educational sites etc. There are further links in the article explaining more specifics on why teachers are being taken advantage of in the Seattle Archdiocese.


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6 thoughts on “SeanTaeschner – Unsung Hero for all Teachers

  1. Shaun Advise the parents of those kids to get them out of those pedophilic indoctrination centers,and tell them “priesty teachers” LEAVE THEM KIDS ALONE as they are not “tender treats” they are children.The teaching profession in america should REFUND each and every dime they took to TEACH OUR KIDS as they have done a p$#s poor job at best turning out generations of morons who cant read right or do basic math,but they can pass silly ass “tests”and you want bennies. Ive torn my flesh for yrs fixing your cars and I dont get no damn retirement and I have a a+ success rate.Not on my dime sir not on my dime.

    1. Well Steve, like I said to Sean below @ 7:13 “isn`t there a separation of church and state” so in that frame of mind I don`t think that any teacher or any other person that works for any religious group should be eligible for receiving any bennies of any kind from the govt.. Just my own opinion though.

      1. Hey Digger,These outrageous benny and perk packages(not refering to private paid into retirement ,401 SS etc)Im talking about the unearned cop,senator public SERVANT money grab its bad enough they get gubberment “salaries” many times higher than other “prevailing ” wages plus vacation and after 20 yrs of mostly incompetance they retire on the tax tit of future childrens income.Its not right nor is it morally responsible,dont we owe them better.As far as the church state thing They are both mostly REPROBATE a lost cause if you will filled with filth theft and every other ANTI-GOD behaviour their sick minds can conjure,and Im not just talking about the boy lovers in the catholic scam but all organized FOR PROFIT scheme hawking pass the loot sermons.

  2. Sean, if you believed in what you were doing – as a good catholic would – by being a teacher, then just why would you want to ask for unemployment when there is supposed to be a sepparation of church and state? After all were you not a teacher in a catholic church, teaching what is good and true according to the beliefs of your religion? I am only just asking because I do not know or understand the catholic religion. I always thought that “God helps thoes that helps themselve” and seeing as how that there is supposed to be a sepparation of church and state then why would any good god fearing religious teacher as for benefits from the state in any way, shape or form? Like I said Sean, in all respect, I`m ignorant in this and I am just askin` and I hope you understand. I consider myself very god fearing and god respecting, but I just do not understand group religion as I think when you talk religion you talk about god and I think that that is something very very personal – not something any teacher, or pastor, or preist, or rabbi, or what have you can teach/tell me about our individual voyage to meet god or as I like to say back to nature and what is naturaly true and right and honest. I do not understand Sean in all respect.

    1. Regardless of profession, employees need to understand that if UI (Unemployment Insurance) is not Deducted from their paychecks, they do Not qualify for the insurance payments.

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