Search the TSA No-Fly List

Terrorist Security Administration

The data (“the Data”) displayed herein is provided “as is” with no warranty whatsoever, neither express nor implied, and no claims are made regarding its accuracy, veracity, or suitability. Inclusion of persons in the Data does not imply or allege their participation in terrorist activities. The Data is intended to be used for reference purposes only, and should not be relied upon as the sole determining factor of an individual’s participation or non-participation in terrorist activities. All persons are presumed innocent until proven otherwise.  

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6 thoughts on “Search the TSA No-Fly List

  1. Went to the site, and considered putting my name in the search, but then had the idea that they could stick someone on the list just for searching. Not giving any of my ammo to this criminal cabal.

    1. ‘zactly….

      Hey. Just noticed…. Why isn’t any government ‘leader’ on there? They’re paying and supplying ISIS. Aren’t they supposed to be ‘terrorists’?

  2. This is NOT the real no-fly list. The Goobermint’s real no fly list is not available to the public. The only way you find out you are a member of the club is when they tell you, at the airport, that you can not board the plane.

  3. Supposedly the occupiers have a list of registered gun owners…all they have to do is put every single person on the gun owners list onto the “no-fly list.”

    Psychopath is as psychopath does.

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