Secession: the Key to Peace and Prosperity

SecessionWide Awake News – by Antonius Aquinas

Despite the rise of global totalitarianism and the financial clouds of collapse continuing to darken, there are, believe it or not, a few bright spots that if trends continue, could provide “the solution” to mounting state tyranny while providing an escape for the coming economic cataclysm.

From the ancient waterways of Venice, Italy, to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, there are a number of secessionist/independence movements which seek to disengage themselves from their current nation-state overlords. Some of these groups are relatively new while others are older movements reinvigorated due to the growing oppression and bankruptcy of their national governments.  

Venice is the latest and one of the most promising entities that may seek to secede. A spokesman for its independence movement, Lodovico Pizzati, told The Daily Telegraph that “If there is a majority yes vote, we have scholars drawing up a declaration of independence and there are businesses in the region who say they will begin paying taxes to local authorities instead of to Rome.” There are other areas in Europe which are holding referendums on secession most notably Scotland and Catalonia.

In seeking to leave Italy, the Venetians have history on their side since the city and its surroundings were for a millennium an independent (and prosperous) Republic which, unfortunately, like many other places were consolidated in the aftermath of the French Revolution. Italy itself only became a nation state in the 19th century after being an amalgam of political and religious jurisdictions in the aftermath of the fall of the Roman Empire.

The nation states which dominate the global political landscape are going through their final death struggle as they desperately seek to stave off collapse through the issuance of more and more debt. Most are artificial constructs made up of dissimilar cultural, religious, ethnic, and economic groups who are being compelled to live together ruled by a central state. The financial crisis has exacerbated these tensions which will only deepen as times get worse.

Secession is the only morally justifiable and politically sensible route for like-minded groups to form their own governing bodies to represent and solve their own particular needs and grievances. Naturally, the New World Order despises secession and will take any and all measures to crush such movements and to discredit them intellectually.

It is most likely that once a couple of entities successfully split from their parent governments, others will follow. Success breeds imitation. There is no telling how far decentralization will go once a few “break away” groups attain independence.

Maybe, the most important consequence of secession is the near certainty of a reduction in global conflict. As national states are broken up, the ability to conduct war will be severely reduced. There simply will not be enough “resources” available since the “tax base” of the various central governments will be shrunken. Moreover, as ethnic, religious and racial groups splinter off and form their own political entities, conflict between dissimilar groups will be lessened.

For those who are opposed to the current global political configuration ruled by a plutocratic elite of central bankers, militarists, and statists politicians of every stripe, the secessionist/independence movements offer a viable alternative to the burgeoning New World Order. Thus, any coalition, organization, or individual which aims at bringing about the breakup and eventual downfall of the current dictatorial global power structure, should be championed.

For its eventual success, the secessionist/independence movement must first attain “intellectual justification.” “Public opinion” must be convinced of not only its moral legitimacy which is undeniable, but as a way out of the increasingly despotic and bankrupt systems of nation states. The battle for secession must, however, be first won in the realm of ideas which, if successful, will lead to real world change.

Two books on secession should be read for those who want to delve further into this exciting and very vital subject.Secession, State & Liberty edited by David Gordon is a theoretical and historical look at the topic mostly from a libertarian bent while the collection of essays assembled by Donald Livingston, Rethinking the American Union for the Twenty-First Century focuses on the United States. For more on America, the late Thomas Naylor’s works on Vermont secession are superb.

Antonius Aquinas

One thought on “Secession: the Key to Peace and Prosperity

  1. The major difficulty in Secession is that the individuals labour for the next xx decades is mortgaged to the bankers who gave money to the corrupt politicians.
    Without the serfs and slaves, the “state” is nothing. Who will repay the debts.
    This is why it is such a big deal and the NWO will crush such moves, or at least ignore the referendums and votes (per the EU Constitution referendums).
    The only way out, is the American and French method, “Shoot the B******ds”

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