Sen. Harry Reid in hospital with broken ribs, bones

Harry ReidUSA Today – by Catalina Camia

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid is in a Las Vegas hospital following injuries sustained while exercising at home.

A statement issued Friday by Reid’s office said doctors expect a “full recovery.”

“A piece of equipment Senator Reid was using to exercise broke, causing him to fall and break a number of ribs and bones in his face,” according to a statement issued by his office. “Senator Reid will return to Washington this weekend and be in the office Tuesday as the Senate prepares to reconvene.”   

Reid, 75, will be minority leader and guide fewer Democrats when the 114th Congress is sworn in Jan. 6.

20 thoughts on “Sen. Harry Reid in hospital with broken ribs, bones

  1. Proof positive that when we all use the collective hive mind good things DO happen.

    Hey Harry,
    I see you broke your face. The only difference from my own dreams is it wasnt my elbow or belt buckle that did it. Keep a stiff(fat) upper lip. A$$hole!

  2. I’ve noticed that he’s had a lot of accidents
    over a period of time.
    I’d bet that these so called accidents are really
    people catching up with him.
    Just like those who’d like to catch Dan Rather,
    and others like them.
    Either that or the fact that he’s so evil that even
    his own exercise equip. hates him too…….
    Either way, it’s just a short preview of what’s coming
    down the road for these creatures, you know,
    the ones who’ve sold us out.
    It’s not going to take much more for it all to fall apart …..
    Then, where will they hide ? Where will they run ?
    ……..They’ll only die tired.

  3. Sooooooooo who was it that punch him in the face resulting in broken ribs?

    And how is it with broken ribs he is able to be back in the office by Tuesday? Those suckers hurt when they’re broken.
    . . .

    1. It was Big Lou……. Wang.
      You see Harry owes his boss some tracks of land out in Nevada. Harry’s been told to cough it up or the next time it will be the f#@king morgue. 🙂

  4. I’m curious as to how one can both break their ribs and bones in their face with any kind of exercise machine.

    Well, Kerry got a black eye playing hockey, (twice I think 😕 ) so I guess it’s plausible, right? 🙄 (sarcasm)


  5. Injuring one’s ribs and face with exercise equipment…..


    Let’s analyze….

    Treadmill – you can fall on your face, but you’d have to almost intentionally have to break a rib or two.

    Weightlifting – you can possibly break a rib if you’re not careful and drop the barbell on yourself, but you’d have to be pretty stupid to have it land on your face. You’d have to intentionally do it.

    Stair master – Same as a treadmill.

    Stretch equipment – You could bruise a few ribs but not break them and hitting yourself in the face is almost impossible.

    Unless, I’m missing something, his excuse just doesn’t hold water, even if you do try and go with it.

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