September Stock Market Crash Cycle

BATR – by James Hall

All experienced stock market experts are proficient in the concept of economic cycles.  While they may not always predict the future, their study of time relationships to trends and prices are important factors in reading the market. Just remember, markets are rigged so adherence to ridged oscillations for predicting the movement of financial instruments is not a pure science.

Into this mix the notion of The 7 Year Biblical/Economic Cycle provides a most intriguing study.  


“Each Shemita year most often starts and ends in September. From September to September is the Shemitah year and each of these crashes we’ve experienced as a nation, since 1973, have been on a Shemitah year.”

What is it about September that has so many ticker watchers in a panic? The following account, Stock Market 7 Year Crash Cycle – What’s So Special about the Number “7”? – gives an explanation, which would be hard to find in business school.

“Interestingly, the Jewish Shemitah has often ended at about the same time as the market crashes listed in this article. The last Shemitah ended on Sept 29 2008, the day the DOW shed 7%. The 2001 Shemitah ended on Sept 17th 2001, the day the DOW dropped 684 points. The current Shemitah is due to end on Sunday September 13th 2015.”

Astrological oracles may not speak with the same authority as biblical prophets but it takes the soothsayers of Wall Street to muster a campaign to discredit any connection between a financial meltdown and critics of a perpetual rising market.


“Some believe that the predictions of global financial market crash on September 13 is part of a wider politically-motivated campaign by the far-right wing conspiracy theory movement, orchestrating systematically, the convergence of separate strands of the conspiracy theory movement’s predictions — asteroid apocalypse, Planet X/Nibiru cataclysm rumor-mongering, earthquake apocalypse, blood moon prophecies, and NWO-Illuminati/Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theories.

The recent ramping up of global stock market crash predictions based of alleged biblical “prophetic keys” is the final strand of the ongoing convergence of the political conspiracy theory movement.”

With this position the gullible raging bulls are duped into thinking that the bankster’s fixers will turn all the rewards in heaven into an earthly paradise of unearned income.

But before you rush out to call your broker to place an order, you need to absorb the insights of a true security and political stalwart. From David Stockman’s Contra Corner, This Is Not A Retest—-Its A Live Bear!

“The world is heading into an unprecedented monetary deflation——with output and trade falling nearly everywhere. That implosion is already rumbling through Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Russia, Japan, the Persian Gulf oil states and countless lesser economies in between. And at the center, of course, is the unraveling of the Great Red Ponzi of China.”

Hey, fundamentals just do not pack the same punch in the financial corridors of Wall Street’s algorithm computer trading. However, discounting the downward slide in economic commerce is a factor that prudent speculators should not ignore.

Now for those empirically grounded analysts of the financial casino, checking the math is an important practice to keep your bets on track.  Leo Hohmann in WND writes on the work of Thomas Pound in Statistician: Data Proves Biblical Financial Collapse.

“Several years ago, Pound corresponded with a financial adviser who was using a decennial analysis to determine which years were optimum for investor returns. According to the theory behind decennial analysis, which was first proposed in the book “Irrational Exuberance” by Yale Economics professor Robert Shiller, years ending in the number eight yielded better returns than other years, according to the Israeli publication Breaking Israel News. Years that ending in seven were less lucrative.

Pound also noted the irony that, according to the decennial theory, 2015 should be one of the better years for investing in the stock market. But not so, according to the Shemitah theory. As Pound told Breaking Israel News, “In September, we can expect something really bad.”

Step back for a minute. Are cycles reducible to comparing an academic theory to the prognostications of Biblical Numerology? Gazing into a crystal ball does not exactly lend itself to success when the indexes are propped up with unlimited central bank phony money. This fact alone changes the cosmic rhythms of cycles and adds an element of uncertainty, not to the eventual collapse of biblical proportions, but for the timing when the day of reckoning will come.

It would not surprise if the excrement hits the fan this fall, but it is dangerous to short the market in anticipation of making a killing when the world explodes into a deep depression.

Therefore, the prudent play is to be out of the market completely.

The globalists that have sucked the bone marrow dry from the unconnected want a collapse, but they want it on their own terms. A crash cycle is certainly on the horizon; however, how it is allowed to take shape is still speculation.

Markets do not tank when the printing press is running full speed. Economies collapse when confidence in commerce evaporates and business activity (which is the real economy) stops.

The downward pressure on equity prices and bonds as a safe haven will continue because Stockman is correct.  The unprecedented monetary deflation is the primary risk of fulfilling a Shemitah selloff.

The key to discovering the timing of the terminal tumble is to know when international finance will short the world markets in earnest. Goldman Sachs plays and sets the Shemitah forecast not because of a sincere belief in scripture, but because they are the epicenter of controlling market movement.

This is not a conspiracy theory it is a proven maxim within the financial franchise tribal community. Not much is left to chance where the manipulation of money is involved.

James Hall – September 9, 2015

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One thought on “September Stock Market Crash Cycle

  1. “Goldman Sachs plays and sets the Shemitah forecast not because of a sincere belief in scripture, but because they are the epicenter of controlling market movement.”
    This is quite enlightening. So this is the reason all this talk about Shemitah. Goldman Sachs sets the forecast.

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