Sign of the Times: Google Searches for ‘World War 3’ Hit Highest Peak EVER

Free Thought Project – by Jack Burns

As further evidence the United States is inching dangerously toward armed conflict with Russian, China, and Iran, the actual term “World War III” is being searched on the Internet at an all-time historic high. Google began tracking trending topics in 2004. Since that time, the term hasn’t drawn very much of the world’s attention, with the exception of years 2006, 2015, and now, 2017.  

Interest in the term “World War III” first peaked in 2006, when the sovereign state of Israel was engaged in skirmishes with Hezbollah, the Palestinian group some have likened to a terrorist organization. It was called the Israel-Hezbollah War of 2006. After enduring an onslaught of homemade missiles by Hezbollah soldiers, Israel retaliated and ended the war laying waste to many parts of Lebanon, the country from which many of the attacks were staged.

Israel was heavily criticized for its heavy-handed bombardment of the sovereign country of Lebanon. The war came to an end in August but not before, apparently, many folks were concerned enough about a global war erupting that they performed a great number of internet inquiries regarding world war.

Interest in “World War III” peaked again in November of 2015. That’s when a Russian airliner Metrojet Flight 9268 crashed in the Egyptian desert of Sharm el Sheikh. What was at first considered a tragic accident, soon evolved into an apparent act of terrorism. Later, the Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility for the attack. It uploaded pictures of a soda-can-bomb it says it used to bring down the passenger jet, killing all 224 souls aboard.

Now, in 2017, the term “World War III” has once again peaked an interest among internet users. But this time, the interest dwarfs all previous years. Google describes its rating system in the following way, “Numbers represent search interest relative to the highest point on the chart for the given region and time. A value of 100 is the peak popularity for the term. A value of 50 means that the term is half as popular. Likewise a score of 0 means the term was less than 1% as popular as the peak.” Currently in 2017, the term sits at 100. In 2015, it was at 69, and in 2006, it was at 40. All of which makes many who are watching the current international conflict take place understandably uneasy.

President Donald Trump’s administration, not content with allowing Russia to deal with ISIS, the Syrian Free Army, and others, decided last week to launch a barrage of cruise missiles into Syria in a ‘symbolic’ objection to the reported gassing of Syrian civilians.

Trump, who vowed repeatedly never to go into Syria, waited only 77 days before lighting the fuse that could potentially set off, what some fear to be, according to google, World War III. 

Although the US has been bombing Syria for more than three years — killing countless civilians in the process — this marks the first time the White House had ordered military action against forces loyal to the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad.

However, as late as Wednesday, Trump backtracked a bit promising the Americans “We’re not going into Syria,” but many of his critics simply don’t believe him. Syria and its allies (Russia and Iran) don’t believe him either and issued their own statements on the matter.

In a joint press conference with Italian President Sergio Mattarella in Moscow yesterday, Putin stated,

“We have reports from multiple sources that false flags like this one – and I cannot call it otherwise – are being prepared in other parts of Syria, including the southern suburbs of Damascus. They plan to plant some chemical there and accuse the Syrian government of an attack.”

With war rhetoric with Russia being at an all time high since the Cuban Missile Crisis, it’s easy to see why so many people are now googling the term “World War III.”

Hopefully, we can prove them wrong.

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