13 thoughts on “Smash Up Derby

  1. OMG!!! That was horrendous. WHOA, Poor guy that lost control, man ice can be so bad. Pray for their souls.

  2. I worked Donner Summit for 7 winters (’74 – ’81) – hauled sand – I could list a bunch of things I’ve seen like this – although, maybe not as bad – but Cynicles has it right; most, if not all of these, were going too fast for the conditions – save for a load of them that shouldn’t have been driving in the first place.

    The smart truckers were in the coffee shops as soon as the snow started.

  3. Hmmm,…

    I’m thinking,.. “Did NOT walk away from that?”


    JD – US Marines – Sometimes it seems, when God decides to punch your ticket,… there is no arguing,.. time to check out on the spot.

  4. Holy cow, that definitely was not a “they survived” moment!

    Driving way too fast.

    I remember a minivan driving fast like that years ago on Snohomish Pass, WA, during a snow storm. They passed us, driving recklessly. Sure enough, we drove past them a few miles later and they were turned over on the side of the highway. Luckily they were banged up, but survived.

  5. Considering the same thing almost happened to me and six others on the NY State Thruway in 1971 (lots of rain instead of snow, but trucks were jack knifed everywhere), I am lucky to be alive…should have been clobbered by oncoming traffic, but we hit a guardrail and skidded across northbound land to island, unscathed. God was with us for sure.

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