Somali Suicide Bomber Kills Self

ABC News

A Somali police officer says a suicide car bomber accidentally detonated his explosives near a popular hotel in the Somali capital.

Capt. Mohamed Hussein said the bomber appeared to have prematurely detonated his explosives-laden car Saturday as he tried to park near a hotel. No others were hurt or killed in the blast.  

The al-Qaida linked group al-Shabab frequently carries out attacks against the Somali government, the U.N. and African Union peacekeepers. Late last month, a suicide car bomber detonated his explosives-laden car at a teashop near Somalia’s intelligence agency headquarters, killing at least 12 people.

One thought on “Somali Suicide Bomber Kills Self

  1. Must’ve been the one that missed school the day that suicide bombing instructor blew up his entire class.

    Class dismissed.

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