Spielberg to Honor OBAMA at Holocaust Survivor Gala…

Red Flag News

(Hollywood Reporter) — President Barack Obama is set to deliver remarks and receive an honor presented by Steven Spielberg at a USC Shoah Foundation event, the organization said Friday.

The event, the 20th Anniversary Ambassadors for Humanity Gala, will be held May 7 in Los Angeles. The president is also expected to attend at least one fundraiser for the Democratic party while he is in town, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter.   

“President Obama’s commitment to democracy and human rights has long been felt,” said Spielberg in a statement announcing the news. “As a constitutional scholar and as president, his interest in expanding justice and opportunity for all is remarkably evident.”

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4 thoughts on “Spielberg to Honor OBAMA at Holocaust Survivor Gala…

  1. “President Obama’s commitment to democracy and human rights has long been felt,” said Spielberg in a statement announcing the news.”


    How the hell did he say that with a straight face, anyway?

    And it’s NOT a democracy, you stupid, Satanic POS so-called ‘jew’.



    Spielberg, the Zionist owner of Hollywood, presented an award to his puppet. Awwww…….isn’t that sweet…….

    ““President Obama’s commitment to democracy and human rights has long been felt,” said Spielberg in a statement announcing the news. “As a constitutional scholar and as president, his interest in expanding justice and opportunity for all is remarkably evident.””

    BLLEECHHH!!!! (Puking)

    Excuse me while I email Spielberg a picture of me pissing all over his movies, since that Zionist psychopath is doing the exact same thing with our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

    And we are NOT a democracy! We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, you Zionist piece of shit!

    I can’t wait to string that guy up along with the rest of them Zionists/Communist pigs.

  3. We should badmouth and boycott all his films for the lies they are. They do not deserve any acclaim because they are neither fiction nor true. They are pure propaganda.

  4. I remember some time back when this queer rapist was stalking this jew . That was probably a lover`s disagreement ! I wait for the moment when the hunt begins!!!

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