3 thoughts on “St. Louis Residents Run Police Out of Shaw Neighborhood

  1. Obviously this was well organized.

    On the other hand who were they protesting? Was it the police in general or “WHITIE”, and get’n down on “THE MAN”? Notice al the plane cloths characters in with the uniformed COPs seeming to direct them. I was left with the impression that this situation was coordinated and staged. Police don’t generally back down. They have too much arrogance and faulse pride. They were told to leave by their bosses, and they did, and not because they were wanting to defuse a confrontation. Police are ALL about confrontation, and they could have and would have shot a whole bunch of those blacks if they wanted to and walked away laughing. Blacks don’t fight back in a meaningful way. They just burn down their own community. They never have attacked a police station that was an epicenter of an atrocity.

    STAGED!!!! In my humble opinion. Was entertaining though. 🙂

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