17 thoughts on “Street Flooded With Thousands Of Ducks

  1. Make Way For Ducklings!Where is the “Pied Piper”of the fowl?!That happened with me around would make my day unless something chasing them,don’t think if that the case would want to meet up with whom/whatever chasing em.

  2. Where in the world have all these ducks come from in order to end up in one place like this?
    . . .

    1. Cathleen : They had to come from Eugene Oregon home of the Oregon Ducks.. Quack! I think they need some Beavers too – Go Bevs

        1. That would be nice. 🙂 Duck a l’orange, or Peking style?
          (Hubby says he HATES duck. Hasn’t let me cook one for him, Yet. LOL)

          1. hah …never tasted one, so can’t give an opinion. I HAVE heard some horror stories though. 🙂

            Tell your hubby he’s chicken haha

          2. LOL
            On Hubby’s 15th birthday, he had to kill and clean 150 chickens. Since that day he refused to eat chicken, until I fried some for him (34 years later).
            This year, his Father’s Day dinner request was my Fried Chicken. LOL 🙂

          3. Love chicken fried in an iron skillet in lard with mashed potatoes and milk gravy. Slobber, slobber. yummmmmmmmmm!!! Man I’m hungry!!!
            gonna hit the rack. Nite all. 🙂

  3. Hey,leave my ducks alone!I arranged that as a piece of performance art.This was a natural example of the countries southern borders being invaded by illegals with no effort to stop it!These ducks are actors,not dinner!

  4. I have shot and ate enough ducks to put a void in the force. How does duck taste? Depends on the ducks.
    Puddle ducks, like mallards, sprig, and teal, if the meat is handled correctly, are absolutely delicious. The best tasting duck in my opinion, is the teal. You inject the meat with chunks of garlic and barbecue sauce. About 2 1/2 minutes on each side on the grill and they are better than any prime rib you ever ate.
    The ducks you want to avoid are the ones that eat fish, completely nasty and only to be consumed in a desperate survival situation.
    And yes, I prefer Oregon Ducks. 🙂

      1. No. Coots are nasty little critters.
        The puddle ducks are round beaked and vegetarian. They are called puddle ducks because anywhere there are some tulle shoots and such, they will be found. They don’t mind being in the small places because they can jump up and take off like a rocket.
        The diver ducks, for the most part, fly low and stay in the bigger bodies of water.

        1. Thanks Henry and Paul, we’ll see a lot of mallards and wood ducks and teal during the season. That garlic and barbecue infusion done on the grill sounds very tasty!

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