Sudden Hail Storm Scares Beach Goers

Published on Jul 15, 2014 by NTDTV

Sudden hail storm scares beach-goers in the Russian city of Novosibirsk.

Full Story:

Beach-goers in the city of Novosibirsk in the Russian Siberia, were caught by surprise when a massive hail storm swept through the beach following a sharp drop in temperature from about 40 to 22 degrees celsius.

First came strong wind which forced some swimmers out of the river. Then the hail started. As hail stones almost the size of eggs started dropping people ran for cover towards beach umbrellas or trees or just covered themselves with blankets and towels. A few brave ones who first decided to wait for the storm to end in the river Ob were forced out and ran across the beach covering their heads with their hands.

Despite strong wind and hail there were no reports of deaths or injuries.

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