Syria – For the Love of Humanity

Published on Aug 29, 2013 by Ian R Crane

On Thursday 29th August 2013, David Cameron recalled the UK Parliament to seek a mandate to launch another illegal war upon the Sovereign Nation of Syria. Without absolute, irrefutable evidence that Assad was responsible for unleashing the recent chemical weapons attacks, any MP voting in support of military action, would surely be guilty of committing a heinous war crime?

Comment by uploader:

Ian R Crane 

At 6pm, just four hours after uploading this video, the Emailing service advises me that 556 different people have clocked on to the video. In addition it has apparently been watched by at least 700 people via Facebook … so why does YouTube show just 324 views? Apparently a different algorythm kicks in with any posting considered ‘Alternative’!!


3 thoughts on “Syria – For the Love of Humanity

  1. Isn’t this just something.
    This reporter in this current video,
    just restated lots of my thoughts, which I have come onto
    through the use of the internet in the last many months..
    NOw Now….we will hope that many
    us federal elected officials will get out of their self induced
    hand holding of one another….and actually do their individual jobs of which they claim to each relish so much….
    Brovo for all reporters around the globe..
    Love in the human heart can not be snuffed out…
    Always it comes back to life….
    For thats what life is….in some way of mystery…

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