6 thoughts on “SYRIA: The United States Has Lost Superpower Status

  1. We do not need to go to war not now..We have lost our power but we have no money too support a war in any place..Its not all one person fault eather..We been goin down hill for last 20 years ..We gave all our work away and jobs with them..This is what happened in the 1929 ..We need to control of all this ..

    1. How Norse? How do we take control of this? We could have the military go in an make the arrests, but who controls the military? Those at the top of the command are under mind control and not connected to their human emotions.
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      1. I hope you all waking up I been trying to wake up all I talk with but too many like that warm fuzzy feeling ..Time get ready too bend over and kiss your sleeping public ASS GOOD BYE..Wake up people..

  2. Do we know for certain that the person who gave the speech on Syria was really Obama? I for one am not one hundred percent convinced it was.
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