Taikuutta koirille – Magic for dogs

Published on Mar 21, 2014 by Jose Ahonen

Do dogs react to magic? Watch as magician & mentalist Jose Ahonen vanished some dog treats under their noses. By the way, all the dogs got treats before and after the trick 🙂

2 thoughts on “Taikuutta koirille – Magic for dogs

  1. Awww! So much for building trust between you and your animal. They don’t think like we do and take things very literally. Glad to know they finally received their treat.
    . . .

    1. Yes, no doubt Cathleen. I wish those dogs would have taken a dump on the floor right in front of that jerk or raised a leg in that guy.
      Yep, animals are not dumb and do not like being fooled or conned any more than people do and this proves it 😉 .

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