Taitz report 10.31.2013 Are we ruled by the organized crime? You’ll find an answer in this video

Published on Oct 31, 2013 – by Orly Taitz

Editorial report on the latest news on litigation dealing with Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number and fabricated IDs, Why billionaires are pushing for amnesty? Are there bribes buried in Obamacare-ObamaTax? What can you do?


3 thoughts on “Taitz report 10.31.2013 Are we ruled by the organized crime? You’ll find an answer in this video

    1. And just what have you done lately, Mr. Bacon, to try to rid the nation of Barry Soetoro? Orly Taitz goes where others fear to tread. Do your homework.

  1. Greg Bacon,

    You are either sadly misinformed or a paid shill – they are usually the ones who bring “race” into comments.

    Orly Taitz has been fighting to put the Obama’s behind bars for years. Corrupt judges – and I do NOT care if they were threatened by the DoD physically, or blackmailed, they should have recused themselves if they did not have the honor and guts to stand up for our nation – and try the case put before them.

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