Texas Home Searched Again in Ricin Investigation

ABC News – by TOM HAYS Associated Press

Authorities have returned to a Texas home linked to the investigation into ricin-tainted letters sent to New York City’s mayor and President Barack Obama.

FBI agents wearing hazardous material suits were seen going in and out of the house in New Boston Wednesday. The house also was searched last Friday.

A law enforcement official has told The Associated Press that the search was initiated after the resident’s spouse contacted the FBI. The official wasn’t authorized to disclose information and spoke to the AP Saturday on condition of anonymity.  

Davilyn Walston, the spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney’s office in the eastern district of Texas, confirmed Wednesday that a ricin investigation is ongoing in the district but declined to provide details.

New Boston is near the Oklahoma and Arkansas borders.


4 thoughts on “Texas Home Searched Again in Ricin Investigation

  1. My Fellow Patriots:

    Of course the FBI (F-ederal B-ureau of tra-I-tors) returned,… wearing bio-looking suits,… they simply did not get enough theater from the last visit to the house.

    This is pure theatrics,…. don’t buy any of it for a second.

    JD – US Marines – The FBI is guilty of Treason & Sedition from the head of the FBI,.. to the janitor, and everyone in-between.

    JD – US Marines – To fix our country, we have to start identifying all the traitors, and treasnous organizations,.. the FBI is just one of them.

    1. There’s a Soap Opera twist to this one. She’s accusing her husband and the husband is accusing the wife of setting him up. I’m on his side. To me, it looks like a vindictive wife/actress wannabe out to get publicity.

  2. Clues:
    1. “the wife knows specific details about the letters”
    The actress / media lady / Shannon Guess sent the ricin letters; else she could not know specifics of the letters. Husband did not know all this.

    2. The actress was tied to the castor beans purchase by her credit card.

    3. The children of the actress finished their school year the same week the actress sprang her ricin story on her husband. The timing suggests the actress waited for her children to finish their school year before she pulled the ricin scam so that it would not interfere with school.

    4. The MO is the same as in the Mississippi ricin letters –
    4.1 Person sets up scam to portray enemy / ex to be, as terrorist
    4. 2 Scammer uses ricin letters
    4.3 Show biz / media people involved: actress, elvis impersonator
    So it seems these ricin letter scams have the same coordinator.

    Another clue that the actress sent the ricin is her Al Sharpton type racism rant that her husband is a racist, hates black people, hates Obama because he is black; as if Al Sharpton is channeling through her. Whenever you hear such race bait talk, think Duke Lacrosse Scam, Tawana Brawley Scam, etc.

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