The 12mo Baby Shot Totals

Jun 23, 2018

Babies at 12 months get 10 microbes all at once= 5 of the same microbes given 3X, and 5 new ones, including 4 live viruses. Already theses babies will have an Allergic Reaction against the repeat microbes (they always have to be injected 3 times), and have to battle 2 viruses that were not attenuated, making them extremely dangerous.
Aluminum is locked in rock and not in the body where it will persist, which makes it perfect for lodging the microbes and their toxins in the body for chronic immune stimulation, which is the intention of shots. Aluminum salt crystals stay lodged in the body and continue to attract and aggregate host cell proteins into clumps, continually attracting proteins and DNA, including mitochondria DNA that belongs to the child (causing auto-immunity).
The most dangerous of the live viruses is the Rubella, and then Chickenpox, both are grown in Human Fetal Cells, so they’re NOT attenuated, which is the key to making live virus vaccines theoretically safe. Viruses must be grown in a species other than human to be attenuated, such as, Measles and Mumps viruses that are grown in eggs (embryos), so they’re chicken viruses.
The Chickenpox virus is Varicella, a Herpes virus that’s forever, and the rubella in the MMR when given to pregnant women can cause some of the 25,000 microcephaly babies born every year in America.
The 12 month Totals:
1) … 25 Lf Diphtheria Toxin, 10 Lf Tetanus Toxin, 34 mcg mutant Diphtheria Toxin (CRM-197), 24 mcg mutant Tetanus Toxin.
2) … 3,675 mcg Aluminum Salt.
3) … 50,000 mcg Yeast cells (HbsAG = Hep-B-surface-AntiGen, on surface of yeast).
4) … 10,000 mcg Phenol (used to blow up host cells).

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